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How To – prepare flatfish, from Jamie’s America

00:00:04hello and welcome to I’m

00:00:07one of the food team and today I’m going

00:00:09to show you how to cut a pocket and

00:00:11stuff a flat fish I’ve got my fish in a

00:00:15nice clean board and I’ve got a sharp

00:00:17knife it’s got a little bit of bend in

00:00:19the blade look for the backbone down the

00:00:21bottom of the fish you can feel it and

00:00:23feel a line put the tip of your knife on

00:00:26the line just behind the fish’s head and

00:00:29cut cut down to the backbone try an

00:00:37almost to the tail of the fish and you

00:00:40can hear the bones there now you made

00:00:43your cut down the back you need to make

00:00:46a cut horizontally against the bones of

00:00:48the fish to take the bones away and

00:00:50create a little pocket what you do is

00:00:52put it into the cut lay it flat against

00:00:54the bones and carve like that sort of

00:00:57you carve the fish off the bones right

00:01:00so my knife goes into the cup and it

00:01:02turns slightly on its side then I’m

00:01:04going to cut down against the bones to

00:01:10create a nice little pocket

00:01:16and then we’re going to do the same on

00:01:18the other side so cut your knife in you

00:01:22know if in flat against the bottom bones

00:01:24cut it down and make a pocket just like

00:01:26you did on the first side now you cut in

00:01:29not quite to the edge of the Philip

00:01:32which is round there this is all a space

00:01:34you’ve got to to use if you’ve got a

00:01:38flat bendy knife it follows the bones

00:01:42and you can’t go too far wrong and

00:01:43there’s a little pocket there to fill

00:01:48the pocket in the fish lift the skin up

00:01:52take a nice spoonful of the filling and

00:01:57pop it inside now to fill the other side

00:02:03just do the same thing hold the fish

00:02:06open spoon in the Proms drop down