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How to prepare a kiwi fruit – Jamie Oliver’s Home Cooking Skills

00:00:00so Kiwis if we’re preparing Kiwis to

00:00:03make fruit salads or puddings or tarts

00:00:06you want really nice ripe ones what do

00:00:08we look for in a right Kiwi how to

00:00:10retail mmm

00:00:12squeezy and if it’s soft and it’s ripe

00:00:14perfect so pick your perfect Kiwi happy

00:00:24so they’re a bit of a funny shape aren’t

00:00:27they but if you sit them up they roll

00:00:31down to there so that’s the happy it’s

00:00:32the most solid way that it sits on the

00:00:34board so that’s how we’re going to chop

00:00:36it and we’re going to cut both ends off

00:00:38so that we can we can sit it very firmly

00:00:41on board slice it’s here long and it’s

00:00:47top and then it should sit up nice and

00:00:51proud okay clear you rubbish out the way

00:00:54waking up this rubbish it’s nice to stay

00:00:59nice and tidy so Kiwi skin is quite


00:01:04see all these little hairs so when we

00:01:06cut it we’re going to be constantly

00:01:08scraping those hairs off so I quite like

00:01:11to keep a cloth and keep cleaning my now

00:01:13if you’ve got hairy knives no you’re

00:01:16alright so start at the top you’re going

00:01:20to put your blade in and then you’re

00:01:22going to gently saw down the side of the

00:01:24Kiwi following the shape of it and

00:01:26you’ll notice it’s curved so bear that

00:01:30in mind when you’re taking your knife

00:01:31down so start at the top and then very

00:01:34gently trying to take off as little

00:01:37flesh as possible go down to the bottom

00:01:39that’s it keep it on flat on the board

00:01:42and curved round and yeah

00:01:49but t-top


00:02:15always clear your bouche beautiful just

00:02:27going to give the knife a wipe and

00:02:29always wipe with the blade away from you

00:02:31so you want the blunt bit you always

00:02:33wipe a lot back edge you’re just going

00:02:37to get rid of all the hairs that you’ve

00:02:39got off the skin great thank you

00:02:44so then we’ve got our perfectly peeled

00:02:47Kiwi to do what we want with I like to

00:02:50slice mine into thin rounds like this

00:02:55keeping your fingers on the tip and

00:02:58slicing down that’s it clip through your

00:03:07fingers that’s it okay or we could do it

00:03:12into little cubes if we liked so only

00:03:15onto its flattest side and then we can

00:03:20go down and then just slice it into a

00:03:25little bit

00:03:38perfect peeled Kiwi well done