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Chopping a cucumber – Jamie Oliver’s Home Cooking Skills

00:00:00a few simple chopping techniques first

00:00:03of all how you would chop something like

00:00:04a cucumber and when they choose a

00:00:07midsize knife not a big proper chopping

00:00:09knife a smaller one something like this

00:00:12or maybe even slightly smaller like a

00:00:14paring knife

00:00:15okay now this chopping my wrist is stiff

00:00:18and my elbow bends but the wrist is

00:00:21stiff and I hold my knife tightly in my

00:00:24hand like that okay so moving up and

00:00:27down I’m going to hit the cucumber now

00:00:32you see my fingers here they’re on top

00:00:34of the cucumber and that knuckle is

00:00:37keeping the knife under control so this

00:00:43pink that I move my fingers back

00:00:48determines the thickness of the slice of

00:00:50cucumber do you see now what you don’t

00:00:52want to do is put your fingers I like

00:00:54then you’ll cut the ends so tuck your

00:00:56ends your fingers in and use your

00:00:58knuckle to guide the knife just move

00:01:02your arm up and down your wrist stiff

00:01:04and then you go as fast as you like

00:01:23control that let’s go around the table

00:01:30and that’s how to chop something like a

00:01:32cucumber now obviously that kind of

00:01:34chopping you can use for many different

00:01:36vegetables cucumbers just one example

00:01:38but it’s a good one