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Should You Cut Your Prices to Win a Project? – Ask Evan

00:00:08– Carmichael and welcome to another

00:00:11edition of ask Evan in today’s video I’m

00:00:14going to answer questions from one of

00:00:15our readers Gideon who was trying to win

00:00:17a whole bunch of projects and when he’s

00:00:19bidding on them he’s often asked to cut

00:00:21this price and the problem is if he cuts

00:00:24his price he might win the project but

00:00:26his pup is gonna be really reduced so

00:00:27he’s asking for my advice and what to do

00:00:29so Gideon my advice for you first of all

00:00:32make sure that you are competitive you

00:00:34know if you’re coming in that twenty

00:00:35times more expensive than everybody else

00:00:36there’s gonna be hard for the customer

00:00:38to say yes so make sure there is some

00:00:40competition there the second thing

00:00:42though is I don’t encourage you to be

00:00:44the low cost provider it’s really hard

00:00:46to build the sustainable business on

00:00:48being the cheapest offer because

00:00:49somebody’s always gonna come in and try

00:00:50to undercut me instead what I’d

00:00:52encourage you to do is try to find other

00:00:55ways to add more value to the deal and

00:00:57so could be through better service or

00:00:59you’re adding different products or

00:01:01features or benefits that your

00:01:04competition can map so you need to find

00:01:06a competitive advantage besides price

00:01:08that can help differentiate you and make

00:01:10customers want to work with you because

00:01:12we’re that they’re going to pay a

00:01:13premium for so whenever I’m bidding on


00:01:17I’ll never the low cost provider and I’m

00:01:19always trying to add other services and

00:01:21benefits on top of it because they’re

00:01:24working with me instead of somebody else

00:01:25the last thing is if you are bidding on

00:01:28a project than they are they do ask to

00:01:30take money out never just take the money

00:01:33out always try to take something else

00:01:35out of the deal so they want to cut you

00:01:37know X number of dollars from the deal

00:01:39saying okay we can accommodate that but

00:01:41we have to take out these pieces of the

00:01:43deal so that way it doesn’t look like

00:01:45you’re really you know flexible on your

00:01:46pricing and then you do offer a lot of

00:01:48value and it’s helps with the

00:01:50negotiation so they may end up with a

00:01:52better deal and may cost him less but

00:01:54it’s also not costing you as much to put

00:01:56into the deal as well so try to work out

00:01:58the different components of the deal and

00:02:00anytime they’re asking to take money out

00:02:01always take something out

00:02:03on your end of the deal as well it’s not

00:02:05just cutting the price I hope that helps

00:02:08get in if you guys liked the video

00:02:09please give it a thumbs up I’d also love

00:02:11to hear your thoughts and feedback if

00:02:12you want to leave a comment below and

00:02:14stay tuned to the next episode
