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Overcoming Prospecting Issues – Ask Evan

00:00:08hi I’m Evan Carmichael and welcome to

00:00:11another edition of ask Evan in today’s

00:00:13video I’m going to answer questions from

00:00:15when my readers k who has a problem with

00:00:17her sales process so I’ll read the email

00:00:19that she wrote it d repin thank you for

00:00:21the great emails that you’re always

00:00:22sends me it helps with my business I

00:00:23highly appreciate them they’re really

00:00:25helpful I’m kindly requests in your help

00:00:27I have a huge problem with prospects we

00:00:31always put through a presentation and I

00:00:32could sense and see the deal is closed

00:00:34or sometimes even tell me that there one

00:00:36over the next thing when I look win to

00:00:38give me the silent treatment they no

00:00:40longer want to go ahead with the deal

00:00:41and the worst part is they don’t inform

00:00:43me that just keep quiet what do i do I

00:00:45call them back when email them follow up

00:00:47or what I don’t want to see my with the

00:00:49desperate selfish sales person who only

00:00:51thinks about myself and getting the cash

00:00:52please help your assistance will be

00:00:54highly appreciated kind regards k so

00:00:57can’t couple ideas for you the first

00:00:59thing I would do is try to figure out

00:01:00why they’re saying no and I would go to

00:01:03some of the prospects that you had maybe

00:01:05a better connection with and just ask

00:01:07them nope I understand we’re not going

00:01:09to visit together that’s fine it really

00:01:10helped me if you could let me know no

00:01:12what happened or why you know you’re not

00:01:14able to go ahead with the decision you

00:01:16can try you want it over the phone you

00:01:18can try doing it by email but seeing

00:01:20genuine let them know that you know

00:01:22you’re not trying to get the sale you’re

00:01:23just trying to improve yourself and make

00:01:26a better presentation for next time to

00:01:27other customers and when you approach it

00:01:29like that and they know that you’re not

00:01:31try to sell them use your the more open

00:01:33to be able to give you that kind of

00:01:34feedback I want to find out what is

00:01:37something wrong with you or are they

00:01:39just not buying your products or was a

00:01:42price too high or is it too much

00:01:44competition whatever it is you want to

00:01:46find out the main reasons why people are

00:01:49not you know what a good vibe from you

00:01:50the second thing is you might want to

00:01:53think about trying to do a better job of

00:01:54qualifying people before you go in and

00:01:56do a presentation a lot of times people

00:01:58will sit through a presentation say yes

00:02:00it’s great yes that’s great just because

00:02:03they want to seem a

00:02:04be able right you don’t want to

00:02:05disappoint you they don’t want to kick

00:02:06you out of their office they just can’t

00:02:09wait for you to leave but they’re trying

00:02:10to be nice so they’ll look like they’re

00:02:12really into it and then not end up

00:02:15making the deal so you might want to

00:02:16qualify people before think about some

00:02:19of the questions that you might be able

00:02:20to ask find out if they buy your type of

00:02:22product kind of they have a budget and

00:02:24low those questions before you go in and

00:02:26do a presentation so maybe that’s done

00:02:28by email maybe that’s done by phone

00:02:30maybe it’s even done by person but

00:02:32before you get into a long presentation

00:02:34you want to try to prequalify some of

00:02:36your your prospects so tap for me I’ll

00:02:40run a google glass of my groups and

00:02:41these are entrepreneurs we get together

00:02:42once a month but we talk about our

00:02:43business and it’s a paid membership

00:02:45group and you have to be on the startup

00:02:48stage be able to get it the group so

00:02:49most businesses are at least three

00:02:52hundred thousand to a million dollar a

00:02:53year range trying to get to that next

00:02:55step so if you’re under a few hundred

00:02:57thousand dollars then you’re not gonna

00:02:59be a good fit for the group love that

00:03:02you know you’re not a great person or

00:03:03you might not have a great business it’s

00:03:05just that it’s not a good fit for what I

00:03:07sell right so I could meet with all

00:03:10these people I can tell them all about

00:03:11the benefits of it give them lots of

00:03:13free advice but at the end of the day

00:03:15you’re not going to be able to be a good

00:03:16client because they’re not in that range

00:03:18or if they can’t afford to members your

00:03:20feet again they might come out and meet

00:03:23with me and say hey this is really great

00:03:25but then Vienna they don’t have that

00:03:26budget so before I go away and spend a

00:03:30lot of time meeting with people I’ll

00:03:32always try to prequalify them i’ll check

00:03:33out their website I’ll you know ask them

00:03:36if they look too small what their

00:03:37revenues are I’ll let them know about

00:03:39the prices involved so that both of us

00:03:42are wasting our time right you don’t

00:03:44want to waste your time doing the

00:03:44presentation and customers don’t want to

00:03:46waste their time sitting through

00:03:47something that’s not going to be of

00:03:48interest to them so try to prequalify as

00:03:50much as you can the last thing that I

00:03:53would think about is if if you found

00:03:55that they are really committed and

00:03:57they’re saying they want to buy get some

00:03:59kind of

00:03:59commitment right there on the spot so

00:04:01get an order on the spot even if it’s a

00:04:04small order get their commitment to want

00:04:06to move forward especially if they told

00:04:08you yeah I really like what you’re doing

00:04:09here don’t leave that office without

00:04:11having some kind of confirm there except

00:04:13for what’s going to happen and as much

00:04:15as well so try to get them to decide so

00:04:17I hope that helps ok so again I look at

00:04:21calling up prospects who didn’t far from

00:04:23you and see you know what was the

00:04:25problem try to get some feedback then I

00:04:28would go and look at different ways to

00:04:30qualify your prospect make sure that

00:04:33they are actually interested in it and

00:04:34they can afford and and they are the

00:04:36right potential customer for you and

00:04:38then at the end of the day or go back

00:04:40and try to get that signed deal get some

00:04:42equipment to want to move forward for

00:04:43the next process so I hope that helps if

00:04:45you guys liked the video please give it

00:04:47a thumbs up below I’d also love that

00:04:48your thoughts and feedback if you want

00:04:50to leave a comment below this video and

00:04:52stay tuned for the next episode