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oDesk Tutorial – oDesk Review

00:00:08hi I’m Evan Carmichael welcome to

00:00:10another video today I’m going to talk

00:00:12about one of my favorite tools that I

00:00:14use all the time to run my business it’s

00:00:16called odesk and it allows me to

00:00:18outsource a lot of the work that I don’t

00:00:20want to do to people around the world

00:00:22who do you want to do it lets me focus

00:00:24on higher priority task for my business

00:00:26so i’m going to show you here this is my

00:00:28page of my favorite tools that i used to

00:00:30run my business and will scroll down and

00:00:33we’ll find odesk there it is so click on

00:00:37that load it up and i’ll tell you a

00:00:38little bit about it and also how I use

00:00:40it to grow my business so these are

00:00:42basically a list of all sorts of people

00:00:44around the world who are looking for

00:00:46contract work and want to be outsourced

00:00:49workers so they’re never going to come

00:00:50into your office you don’t ever have to

00:00:51worry about having staff sitting next to

00:00:53you they’re used to working overseas

00:00:55remotely from their computer and ODIs

00:00:58facilitates you being able to work with

00:01:00them so you can post a job and go

00:01:02through all the details of what your job

00:01:03is about and who you need and what

00:01:06you’ll find is that people start bidding

00:01:07on it and you can show all sorts of

00:01:10different categories and pick the one

00:01:11that best fits what you’re looking for

00:01:13so if you need a web designer you need

00:01:15some sales and marketing support you

00:01:16need so I’m going to do some bookkeeping

00:01:17for you it’s all there let’s pick the

00:01:20data entry so I need somebody to help me

00:01:22with data entry for my business for

00:01:24example all that stuff you don’t want to

00:01:25do you can hire somebody who oversees to

00:01:27do it for you what you’ll see is a list

00:01:30of contractors that come up so there’s a

00:01:32hundred and sixty-two thousand

00:01:33contractors who wanted to data entry for

00:01:35you this is fantastic what you’ll see is

00:01:37a list of who they are so you see their

00:01:40names is this is Kathy you’ll see her

00:01:42picture you’ll see how many stars she’s

00:01:43received so just like eBay people

00:01:45receive feedback from previous job so

00:01:47she has 4.8 stars on average received

00:01:51seven feet back you’ll see what her

00:01:53wages how many hours she’s worked on

00:01:55odesk where she’s from testa she’s

00:01:58passed so the tests are really important

00:02:01what this basically allows them to do is

00:02:03they can take tests in different areas

00:02:06so they can say take a England it could

00:02:09take you know how to communicate via

00:02:11email test

00:02:12this is for data entry they could take a

00:02:14Microsoft Office test that that’s

00:02:16important for you and also test for

00:02:18other things that you may need to hire

00:02:21somebody for so if you’re hiring a

00:02:22programmer you might want to make sure

00:02:24they’ve passed the PHP MySQL programming

00:02:27test and you may not have any idea if

00:02:29they’re any good or not so that’s a

00:02:31great way to find out if somebody really

00:02:32has the skills or not and she has a

00:02:35portfolio here by oh I like I like this

00:02:37part here I like seeing the picture are

00:02:39usually hire people who have a picture

00:02:40so this person who would hire or if you

00:02:42see someone who has a non-professional

00:02:43picture wouldn’t hire them but we have

00:02:46way too many contractors so what you can

00:02:48do is start to narrow down by different

00:02:50fields that might interest you so for

00:02:53example here on the right side this lets

00:02:54you break it down a little bit more so

00:02:56you can say I only want people who have

00:02:58received four and a half to five star

00:03:00feedback from previous jobs so that

00:03:02narrows it down then you can say you

00:03:05know how much do I want to pay well

00:03:06maybe for data entry my max is say ten

00:03:10dollars an hour so that again will start

00:03:13narrowing it down a lot you can look at

00:03:16tests and so this will basically allow

00:03:19them to take tests that will rank them

00:03:21against all the other people on odesk so

00:03:23from those 160,000 people on odesk

00:03:26wanted to entry they can all take

00:03:28different tests and ODIs will basically

00:03:30rank them for you which saves you a ton

00:03:31of time so you can say I want somebody

00:03:33who scored say in the top 10% on US

00:03:39English basic and English spelling test

00:03:42that’s important for my data entry job

00:03:44and maybe English is really important

00:03:46than maybe it’s not just depends on the

00:03:48on the skill that you need them to have

00:03:50so you can say maybe I need windows XP

00:03:53email etiquette whatever it is you can

00:03:56keep going down you know location I

00:03:59don’t care where they’re located you

00:04:01might prefer to have somebody native to

00:04:03North America if it’s a communications

00:04:06type of role where they’re going to be

00:04:08speaking with clients or emailing with

00:04:09clients for data entry stuff i usually

00:04:12don’t really care where they are because

00:04:13as long as we can communicate that seems

00:04:15to be okay and then we can go and

00:04:18basically what we’ve narrowed it down to

00:04:19so now it’s you know 2,000 people still

00:04:21who can potentially apply for these jobs

00:04:23you can see that with four dollars an

00:04:26hour if you

00:04:26an hour eight dollars an hour and you

00:04:29know if you want you can narrow it down

00:04:30even more from there but it’s a great

00:04:33option to find people who are interested

00:04:35in working doing the kind of tasks that

00:04:38you’re not interested in doing or maybe

00:04:40the the less important task so you can

00:04:42focus on the CEO tasks to help you grow

00:04:44your business they want to work they’re

00:04:46used to working remotely and Odessa

00:04:49helps you manage the entire process so

00:04:51you can post a job people will start to

00:04:54apply you’ll start seeing you know the

00:04:56pictures and profiles of all the people

00:04:57who have applied you can then ask them

00:05:00interview questions you can ask them to

00:05:03take tests you can even offer a simple

00:05:06trial job if you like to start testing

00:05:09people out and then hopefully you find

00:05:10somebody who you like working with now

00:05:13that’s how you kind of go about getting

00:05:15somebody working with them is also

00:05:17really easy and oh does does a good job

00:05:19of helping people out on that side as an

00:05:21employer so i thought i would show you

00:05:22on my end what I see as an employer that

00:05:25really helps so I’ll look at somebody

00:05:27here I’ve hired this person 13 days ago

00:05:31and what it’ll do is it’ll show you

00:05:33their profile and I’ll tell you how much

00:05:35they’ve worked for me so here you know

00:05:38this week they’ve worked two hours to me

00:05:40last week was almost three hours I’m

00:05:42paying three dollars and thirty-three

00:05:44cents an hour and what odesk will do is

00:05:47whenever somebody starts working for you

00:05:50they have to log into the system to say

00:05:52i’m working for evan now and it starts

00:05:54tracking their time a node s will take a

00:05:56ten percent commission from the odesk

00:06:00worker on top of the salary so that you

00:06:03know three dollars and thirty-three

00:06:04cents an hour ten percent of it goes to

00:06:060 desk and the rest goes to the

00:06:08contractor so it allows you to keep

00:06:11track of how much time exactly there is

00:06:13being spent on your particular tasks you

00:06:16can CR see here that I’ve limited the

00:06:19time to 5 hours per week so you can set

00:06:21a limit saying I don’t want them working

00:06:23the more than a certain number of hours

00:06:25and the budget you know kind of explodes

00:06:27on you and what you can also do I never

00:06:30really do this but you can check out the

00:06:31work diary and if you want to

00:06:33micromanage or especially at the

00:06:35beginning if you want to see how they’re

00:06:36doing what they’re working on for you

00:06:37what this does is it take

00:06:39screenshots of their computers as they

00:06:42start working for you and they know this

00:06:43isn’t you know Big Brother kind of

00:06:45watching it without them knowing they

00:06:46know that as soon as they login to walk

00:06:48to start working for me it’ll start

00:06:51keeping track at a time and also start

00:06:53recording what they’re working on so

00:06:55this person is doing some data entry for

00:06:58me so they don’t some of the stuff

00:07:00involves Twitter so they’ll be on I can

00:07:02see what screenshots are doing here

00:07:03they’re on Twitter and you can see that

00:07:05their various screenshots show what

00:07:07they’re doing it shows you the time and

00:07:10underneath here it shows you how active

00:07:13they were so if it’s you know full green

00:07:16means like that they’ve been working a

00:07:18lot they’ve taking a lot of keys

00:07:19keyboard strokes and they’ve moved the

00:07:21mouse around a lot so they’re active if

00:07:22they’re not just kind of sitting on that

00:07:25page you’re not doing anything and you

00:07:27can see that most of the time my worker

00:07:30here has been pretty active so that’s

00:07:32great for me no surprises so here it

00:07:35kind of shows you if they’re kind of

00:07:37mucking around on facebook or doing

00:07:39other things or if they’re actually

00:07:40working for your project so I think it’s

00:07:43a great way to find people who are

00:07:45working for you potentially there

00:07:49they’ve got the skills that allows it

00:07:50outsource almost all the tasks with your

00:07:53business allows you to screen them

00:07:56really easily find people who have good

00:07:58feedback we’ve passed the tests that are

00:08:01needed to do that task you can hire them

00:08:03on trial projects if you want to see who

00:08:05works fast and then hire somebody for

00:08:07your main project and then once you do

00:08:10hire them it allows you to track their

00:08:11time it’s great for you great for them

00:08:13you don’t have to worry about payroll

00:08:14everything goes through odesk and if you

00:08:18like you can see exactly how many hours

00:08:19I’ve worked you put a cap on it and you

00:08:21can see what they’re working on and how

00:08:23many you know keyboard strokes are

00:08:25taking make sure that they’re actually

00:08:27doing the stuff that you’ve hired them

00:08:28to do so overall I think it’s been a

00:08:31really great service I’ve hire people on

00:08:34here to do video editing for me to do

00:08:37data entry for me to be personal

00:08:38assistants for me and every time I think

00:08:41I really need help to grow my business I

00:08:44go back on odesk and post a new job and

00:08:46find new people to help me take that up

00:08:49to the next level for the most part

00:08:50they’re very professional they’re trying


00:08:52Oh their own little independent business

00:08:54as well they’re trying to get good

00:08:55ratings they want to get more business

00:08:56and so it ends up working out really

00:08:59well and a great way to find great

00:09:01workers at pretty good prices and let

00:09:04you focus on the most important CEO

00:09:06tasks to help you get that business to

00:09:09the next level so I hope you guys

00:09:10enjoyed how I use odesk and encourage

00:09:13you to check it out if you did like the

00:09:14video or if you have any questions

00:09:16please leave a comment below I’d also

00:09:19appreciate any thumbs up you want to

00:09:20leave on the video and stay tuned for

00:09:22next episode