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Hewlett Packard Documentary – Success Story

00:00:00hi I’m Evan Carmichael welcome to

00:00:02another edition of modeling the masters

00:00:04today we’re going to talk about two of

00:00:05the most successful tech entrepreneurs

00:00:07of all time bill Hewlett and Dave

00:00:10Packard founders of the Hewlett Packard

00:00:12company Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard

00:00:18were University friends who graduated in

00:00:20electrical engineering from Stanford in

00:00:221935 eager to become entrepreneurs

00:00:24Packard and Hewlett established Hewlett

00:00:27Packard in 1939 in packets garage with

00:00:29all the startup money they could put

00:00:31together a grand total of five hundred

00:00:33and thirty-eight dollars

00:00:34they then tossed a coin to decide

00:00:36whether the company would be called

00:00:37hewlett-packard or Packard Hewlett

00:00:39together Hewlett and Packard created an

00:00:41audio oscillator it was in fact the

00:00:43first practical low-cost method of

00:00:45generating high-quality audio

00:00:46frequencies that were needed in a wide

00:00:48range of industries including defense

00:00:50and medicine hoping to make it seem like

00:00:52the company had been around for a while

00:00:54they named their product the 200a

00:00:56according to Hewlett we really didn’t

00:00:59know if this oscillator was any good we

00:01:01simply put one together that worked

00:01:02pretty well sent a letter out to

00:01:04universities and others got three or

00:01:05four orders and then tried it again

00:01:07one of those first orders was from Walt

00:01:10Disney Studios who wanted a toss letters

00:01:12for their upcoming movie Fantasia

00:01:1460 years after its founding

00:01:16hewlett-packard has developed a

00:01:18reputation for innovative and reliable

00:01:20products and in 2009 had revenues of a

00:01:22hundred and fifteen billion dollars

00:01:24making it one of the largest companies

00:01:26so the next question becomes how can you

00:01:29model the success of Hewlett Packard

00:01:31here are three action items that you can

00:01:33put to use in your business action item

00:01:36number one think about more than money

00:01:38Hewlett and Packard believe that a

00:01:40business had a purpose beyond just

00:01:41making money businesses had

00:01:43responsibilities to employees customers

00:01:45and a community at large it was a

00:01:47controversial viewpoint in the 1940s but

00:01:50many of the management practices that

00:01:51are now standard in many work

00:01:52environments were pioneered by Bill

00:01:54Hewlett and Dave Packard some of the

00:01:56initiatives they launched included

00:01:58worker bonuses based on productivity

00:02:00profit sharing plans flex time schedules

00:02:03company-wide health insurance pay cuts

00:02:06and Fridays off instead of layoffs and

00:02:08hard times

00:02:08addressing everybody in the company by

00:02:10the first name having an open-door


00:02:13creating a wall for environment to

00:02:15encourage teamwork and the flow of ideas

00:02:17as an entrepreneur you have to worry

00:02:19about making money and making enough to

00:02:22survive and then build a lasting company

00:02:24but don’t make making money your only

00:02:26priority remember to think about the

00:02:28people who work for you the people who

00:02:30buy from you and the rest of your

00:02:31community to make your business a force

00:02:33for good strangely enough when you focus

00:02:35on helping these people the money comes

00:02:37in on its own

00:02:40action item number to adopt a survival

00:02:42mentality the early days of a new

00:02:44business can be challenging you may not

00:02:46be selling the right product at the

00:02:47right service and you really hit the

00:02:49targets that you set for yourself this

00:02:51is where it’s crucial to adopt a

00:02:52survival mentality listen to your

00:02:54customers until you find the product or

00:02:56service that will really solve their

00:02:57problems and in turn help you build a

00:03:00lasting business when Bill Hewlett

00:03:02talked about the early days of Hewlett

00:03:03Packard he said we were just

00:03:05opportunistic we made a bowling alley

00:03:08four line indicator a clock drive for a

00:03:10telescope a thing to make your urinal

00:03:12flush automatically and a shock machine

00:03:15to make people lose weight we did

00:03:17anything to bring in a nickel the best

00:03:19way to build a business is around

00:03:21customers with problems who will pay you

00:03:23to solve them adopt a survival mentality

00:03:25like Hewlett and Packard and look for

00:03:27opportunities to help your customers in

00:03:29the midst of solving their problems

00:03:31you’ll find a business idea that you can

00:03:33build into a successful and enduring


00:03:37action item number three make innovation

00:03:40a part of everything you do for

00:03:42businesses succeed today it needs to

00:03:43always be thinking about what’s next and

00:03:45how it can innovate if you can offer

00:03:47more innovative solution that your

00:03:49competitors don’t have yet it can be

00:03:51your chance to win new business and grow

00:03:53your company in the company’s early days

00:03:56Hewlett and Packard had one rule above

00:03:59all others the golden rule to encourage

00:04:01innovation no part bins or storerooms

00:04:04should ever be locked to outsiders this

00:04:06was mind boggling visited to the

00:04:09company’s headquarters would be shocked

00:04:10that millions of dollars worth of parts

00:04:12and equipment were lying around free for

00:04:15anybody to use and nobody ever suspected

00:04:17anyone else’s theft

00:04:18are you innovated enough with your

00:04:20business do you take time every week to

00:04:22think about ways to make your product or

00:04:24service better follow Hewlett and

00:04:26Packard lead and stay on the cutting

00:04:28edge of technology and your customers

00:04:30and pocketbook will thank you for it so

00:04:33remember think about more than money

00:04:35adopt a survival strategy and make

00:04:38innovation a part of everything you do I

00:04:40wanted to end today’s video with one of

00:04:42my favorite true stories about eula

00:04:44Packard Hewlett and Packard management

00:04:47style was so unique at the time that it

00:04:49was given a name the HP way and Bill’s

00:04:52words the HP way is a core ideology

00:04:54which includes a deep respect for the

00:04:56individual a dedication to affordable

00:04:59quality and reliability a commitment to

00:05:01community responsibility and the view

00:05:03that the company exists to make a

00:05:05technical contribution for the

00:05:07advancement and welfare of humanity here

00:05:09are the core beliefs of the HP way we

00:05:12have trust and respect for individuals

00:05:14we focus on a high level of achievement

00:05:16and contribution we conduct our business

00:05:18with uncompromising integrity we achieve

00:05:21our common objectives through teamwork

00:05:22and we encourage flexibility and

00:05:25innovation thank you for joining me for

00:05:28another edition of modern masters I

00:05:29would love to hear your thoughts and

00:05:31comments if you want to post something

00:05:32below and stay tuned for the next
