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Entrepreneur Contest – Win $10,000 in Prizes

00:00:00hi I’m Evan Carmichael and welcome to

00:00:02the major case for $10,000 contest as

00:00:05entrepreneurs if not every day that we

00:00:07get the opportunity to get valuable

00:00:09business tools and resources for free so

00:00:11I’m really excited about this contest I

00:00:13partnered up with sage simply counting

00:00:15linkedin and staples and we’re looking

00:00:18for a toronto-area entrepreneur to give

00:00:20over ten thousand dollars in prizes too

00:00:26entering for your chance to win is

00:00:28really easy just visit simply 10k calm

00:00:31and tell us how you can use safe simply

00:00:34counting linkedin and staples to help

00:00:37grow your business we also want to learn

00:00:39a little bit more about you your story

00:00:41and the challenges that you’ve overcome

00:00:42to get to where you are today then tell

00:00:45your friends to vote for you and

00:00:46increase your chances of you being able

00:00:48to win

00:00:53three finalists will be chosen for an

00:00:55event in toronto on May eleventh you’ll

00:00:57have ten minutes to present your case

00:00:59for why you deserve the window $10,000

00:01:01and prizes in front of a panel of three

00:01:03judges and I’m going to be one of those

00:01:05judges I’m also going to profile the

00:01:07entrepreneur who wins give them some

00:01:09extra exposure on my website and answer

00:01:11some of their top business questions to

00:01:14learn more and to enter into the contest

00:01:16check out simply 10k calm and hopefully

00:01:19I’ll see with the finals in May good
