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Characteristics of the Startup Phase – Ask Evan

00:00:08hi I’m Evan Carmichael and welcome to

00:00:11another edition of ask Evan in today’s

00:00:13video I’m going to answer question from

00:00:15a teacher who’s a reader of mine named

00:00:16Jean Pierre who wrote in asking about a

00:00:19squashing that one of a jumpier students

00:00:21hi so the question is I want to know

00:00:23what are the characteristics of the

00:00:25startup phase of a small business Thanks

00:00:27your time jump here so jump hear the

00:00:29startup phase of a new business is

00:00:32really all about survival it’s making

00:00:34enough money to be able to support

00:00:36yourself and get by and not have to go

00:00:39get a job and that’s really the biggest

00:00:41challenge that most entrepreneurs have

00:00:43when they’re starting the business is

00:00:44getting it to the point where they can

00:00:46sustain themselves so you’re looking for

00:00:48opportunities trying to build around

00:00:49different challenges that you might be

00:00:51able to solve and that’s really the

00:00:53biggest challenge that most

00:00:54entrepreneurs face the business model

00:00:57that you come up with is really going to

00:00:59be the business model that you end up

00:01:01with so change is going to have to be

00:01:02made and that’s a huge challenge for

00:01:05most startup entrepreneurs is working on

00:01:07that business model until you hit one

00:01:09that works that is going to generate a

00:01:11lot of money and help you grow your

00:01:13business my best advice if you’re in

00:01:15that phase if you’re thinking of certain

00:01:16business oh you’ve just started go out

00:01:18and talk to customers the best feedback

00:01:21you can get is from customers who have a

00:01:23challenge and you can help them solve it

00:01:25and they’re willing to pay you to solve

00:01:27that challenge so if you haven’t started

00:01:30your business just go out and start

00:01:31talking to customers find out what the

00:01:33problems are find out how you might be

00:01:34able to help them and see if they’d be

00:01:36willing to pay you to help them that’s a

00:01:38winning customer if you can build your

00:01:40business around these types of customers

00:01:41then you have money coming into the

00:01:43company you’re not struggling to figure

00:01:45out is this idea going to work or not

00:01:47because you have those paying customers

00:01:48and you’re much more likely to be

00:01:50successful so I hope that helps you up

00:01:52here if you guys liked the video please

00:01:55give it a thumbs up below I’d also love

00:01:57to hear your thoughts and feedback if

00:01:58you want to leave a comment under the

00:01:59video and stay tuned to next episode
