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Business Ideas: 3 Business Lessons From Howard Hughes

00:00:00hi I’m Evan Carmichael and welcome to

00:00:02another edition of balling the Masters

00:00:04today we’re gonna look at how a young

00:00:06man orphaned as a teenager turned his

00:00:09love of aviation into a multi-billion

00:00:11dollar empire this is a story of Howard


00:00:13the top three lessons that you can learn

00:00:15from his success Howard row Bart Hughes

00:00:19jr. was an American industrialist

00:00:21aviator engineer film producer director

00:00:24philanthropist and one of the wealthiest

00:00:26people in the world when Hughes was a

00:00:28teenager he lost both his parents and

00:00:30was left with the family inheritance

00:00:32from money his father made by selling

00:00:34his inventions ever ambitious he was

00:00:36quoted as saying I intend to be the

00:00:39greatest golfer in the world the finest

00:00:41producer in Hollywood the greatest pilot

00:00:43in the world and the richest man in the


00:00:45Hughes aggressively pursued business

00:00:48interests in Hollywood films airlines

00:00:50and hotels and casinos to expand his

00:00:52empire he managed to turn his $1,000,000

00:00:55inheritance into a two billion dollar

00:00:57fortune equivalent to 6.6 billion in

00:01:01today’s dollars Howard Hughes was and

00:01:03still would be considered one of the

00:01:05richest men

00:01:10by being aggressive with his growth

00:01:12plans and by keeping his eye on the

00:01:14prize Hughes was able to become one of

00:01:16the richest men in the world to help you

00:01:18aggressively grow your business here are

00:01:20three action items that you can learn

00:01:21from Howard Hughes action item number

00:01:25one surround yourself with the best as

00:01:28entrepreneurs we can’t do everything

00:01:29ourselves I need to recognize what we’re

00:01:32good at

00:01:32and what we need to delegate to others

00:01:34to help us with getting the right team

00:01:36in place is one of the most important

00:01:38tasks you’ll ever do as a business owner

00:01:40after inheriting his father’s company as

00:01:43a teenager he was recognized that he

00:01:45didn’t have the know-how to run the

00:01:47business and look for someone who could

00:01:49he hired 36 year old Noah Dietrich to

00:01:52become his accountant and right-hand man

00:01:54on a $10,000 a year salary for the next

00:01:57three decades Dietrich eventually became

00:02:00director vice president and CEO of

00:02:02various branches of Hughes’s Empire

00:02:05according the Robert Mayhew a chief

00:02:07adviser to Hughes Dietrich was

00:02:09delivering Howard profits of 50 to 55

00:02:11million dollars a year big bucks in

00:02:14those days action item number two don’t

00:02:21give up on your goals whatever your

00:02:23goals are for your business you need to

00:02:25keep attacking them until you accomplish

00:02:26them forget about what other people say

00:02:29and that the odds might be stacked

00:02:30against you take consistent action every

00:02:33day until you reach your targets and

00:02:35believe that you can do it the hugheses

00:02:38h4 Hercules was the world’s largest

00:02:41flying boat the largest aircraft made

00:02:43from wood and had the biggest wingspan

00:02:45of any aircraft ever built it was

00:02:48contracted by the US government to

00:02:50transport troops across the Atlantic to

00:02:51avoid German u-boats in the Second World


00:02:54nicknamed the Spruce Goose it was three

00:02:56times the size of the largest plane ever

00:02:59previously built nobody thought Hughes

00:03:02would ever get it off the ground

00:03:04kept pushing towards his goal despite

00:03:06the naysayers according to Hughes the

00:03:09thing was a black sheep

00:03:11nobody wanted to fool around with it or

00:03:13become contaminated by it we’re working

00:03:16in a complete vacuum as to information

00:03:18based upon prior performance and prior

00:03:20design I defy anyone today to design an

00:03:23airplane substantially more efficient

00:03:25than this one for its purpose action

00:03:31atom number three be hands on being an

00:03:34active part of your business is crucial

00:03:36to its success you need to know when the

00:03:38higher people were you also need to know

00:03:40what your job is and show people that

00:03:42you’re dedicated to doing it and inspire

00:03:44them to do their job to the best of

00:03:45their abilities with some of the best

00:03:48people in the industry working form

00:03:49Hughes could have chosen to distance

00:03:51himself from goings ons as the various

00:03:53enterprises but instead Hughes chose to

00:03:56be hands-on involving himself in even

00:03:58the smallest of details he would

00:04:00personally test fly all the planes that

00:04:02he helped design he would often even put

00:04:04his own life at risk

00:04:05to involve himself and improve his

00:04:07product he was also for the most part

00:04:09adored by his staff who appreciated his

00:04:12hands-on approach and were inspired by

00:04:13his dedication and enthusiasm

00:04:16according to Hughes if I’ve made a

00:04:18mistake in the design then I’m the one

00:04:20who should pay for it I certainly would

00:04:22not ask somebody else to fly plane if I

00:04:24were afraid to do it myself

00:04:30so remember surround yourself with the

00:04:32best don’t give up on your goals and be

00:04:35hands-on to finish up this video I

00:04:38wanted to share some of my favorite

00:04:39quotes from Howard Hughes and his best

00:04:41true story

00:05:13Hughes’s love of flying roofs began when

00:05:16he attended a Yale Harvard Boat Race

00:05:18with his father after his father lost a

00:05:21bet the Harvard would win the

00:05:22fourteen-year-old Hughes was promised

00:05:24anything he wanted while his dad

00:05:26proposed buying him his own boat

00:05:28Hughes jr. asked to fly in the old

00:05:30broken-down seaplane anchored in front

00:05:32of their hotel with the plane’s old age

00:05:35in its corroded wires he was his

00:05:37father’s initial reaction was no but

00:05:40used jr. proved so persistent that he

00:05:42could not be denied he finally gave in

00:05:44said Hughes this was the very first

00:05:46contact I had with flying throughout his

00:05:49career many more were forced to give in

00:05:52to Hughes his desires thank you for

00:05:58joining me for another edition of Molly

00:05:59the Masters if you enjoyed the video

00:06:01please give it a thumbs up I’d also love

00:06:03to hear your thoughts and feedback if

00:06:05you want to leave comment below the

00:06:06video and stay tuned to the next episode