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Advice for a Young Entrepreneur – Ask Evan

00:00:08hi I’m Evan Carmichael welcome to

00:00:11another edition of ask Evan in today’s

00:00:13video I’m going to answer question from

00:00:14one of my readers on youtube so x1 our

00:00:16YouTube video watchers who is a 16 year

00:00:19old boy from Ireland who was seeking to

00:00:21starting his own business and wanted my

00:00:24help and coming up with some ideas for

00:00:25how we could launch his company he’s

00:00:27thinking that something potentially in

00:00:28the schools or the local stores and he

00:00:31also lives next to a successful Lori

00:00:32delivery service and he’s wondering if

00:00:35he can proposing the ideas to help him

00:00:37grow his business as well so great

00:00:40questions whenever I’m talking to new

00:00:43entrepreneurs and helping them figure

00:00:44out what businesses start I always

00:00:46encourage you to think about something

00:00:47they’re really passionate about excited

00:00:49about something that gets you motivated

00:00:50and excited and it’s something where you

00:00:52think you can add a lot of value and

00:00:54have an impact when you’re working with

00:00:56your customers so running the business

00:00:57isn’t just about making money although

00:00:59we want to make money but it’s about

00:01:02adding value and really trying to be

00:01:04significant to your customers and if

00:01:06you’re adding a ton of value and you’re

00:01:08being significant and you’re having an

00:01:10impact on their lives then the money is

00:01:13going to follow they’re going to keep

00:01:14you around so that’s the first thing so

00:01:16figure out what it is that you’re really

00:01:17good at where you think you can add

00:01:18value and help your customers the next

00:01:20thing you’ve talked about selling into

00:01:21your schools or selling to businesses

00:01:23and it’s pointing to figure out if you

00:01:25want to be a business and consumer type

00:01:27of model where you’re selling to your

00:01:28students and classmates or if you want

00:01:30to be a business business have model and

00:01:32sell to local entrepreneurs who might be

00:01:34able to value for your services when

00:01:37you’re starting up I think it’s a lot

00:01:38easier to start a business the business

00:01:39type of service and business-to-consumer

00:01:41for a couple reasons one if you are

00:01:44having a meaningful impact on somebody’s

00:01:46business they’re going to want to keep

00:01:47you around and they’re making money from

00:01:49it so they’re going to want to keep

00:01:51making sure you deliver in that product

00:01:52or service because they’re benefiting

00:01:54from it where consumers often the price

00:01:57tag is a lot lower so a business who is

00:01:59making money from you is going to be

00:02:01able to you know afford your services

00:02:03where consumers if you sell your

00:02:05students they may not have a lot of

00:02:06money could be hard to build up business


00:02:09you have a ton of students who are

00:02:10buying from you and consumers sounds can

00:02:13be fickle so they might like you today

00:02:15and not like you tomorrow and then

00:02:17you’ve got to start all over again from

00:02:18scratch so it’s not that you can’t set a

00:02:20consumer-facing business it’s just a lot

00:02:22more difficult so again tap into what

00:02:24you think you can add a lot of value to

00:02:25and try to build your business around

00:02:27that the third part you’re asking about

00:02:29the successful lower delivery service

00:02:32guide who’s next to you and what you

00:02:34might be able to offer him and there’s a

00:02:36great opportunity for a lot of young

00:02:38entrepreneurs who might be more tech

00:02:39savvy and online savvy to partner up

00:02:41with establish entrepreneurs who might

00:02:43need help on those online marketing

00:02:45tactics so I know you’re one of my

00:02:47youtube video Watchers so maybe there’s

00:02:48a way you can use YouTube to help him go

00:02:51his business maybe you can film intros

00:02:53of him or film and what he does in his

00:02:55business or marketing campaign and put

00:02:58that on youtube so he can help promote

00:02:59his business there be kept with this

00:03:01website there’s some other online

00:03:02marketing with Twitter or Facebook a lot

00:03:04of the established entrepreneurs they

00:03:06know about YouTube they know about

00:03:08Twitter and Facebook but they don’t

00:03:09really know what to do about it so as

00:03:11young entrepreneur it could be an

00:03:12opportunity to come in and show them how

00:03:14it works also you get some valuable you

00:03:17know education as you work through that

00:03:18process hopefully it can work out for

00:03:20that one client and you can go find

00:03:22other clients start working worth a few

00:03:25/ successfully proved it with the first

00:03:26one so hopefully that helps if you have

00:03:29other questions please leave a comment

00:03:30below I’d also love to hear everybody

00:03:32else’s thoughts and feedback if you want

00:03:33to leave a comment and please give the

00:03:35video a thumbs up if you liked it and

00:03:37will stay tuned to the next episode
