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The Watch – International Trailer (2012) Ben Stiller, Vince Vaughn [HD]

00:00:01everyday I ask what can I do for Glen V

00:00:04that’s why I founded the running club

00:00:06the Spanish table at the community

00:00:08center Hyundai stopped me thanking the

00:00:11oxy annals and the neighborhood watch

00:00:19after that short sort of breaking of the

00:00:21ice portion of be sorry to be the

00:00:23squeaky wheel but wouldn’t it be more

00:00:24fun to actually break ice into little

00:00:27cubes and then pour some Scotch over

00:00:28them few years ago wanted to become a

00:00:31member of the Glenview police department

00:00:33you’re a homicidal maniac wasn’t feeling

00:00:37the body I have this one scenario in my

00:00:40mind sexy asian housewife alone at night

00:00:44best call the neighborhood watch and

00:00:45then she sucked okay well I’m also

00:00:51interested in that happening to me

00:01:07let’s go see with the sis what is it hey

00:01:12guys I found something there is an alien

00:01:25invasion happening honey any one of

00:01:29these people could be an alien welcome

00:01:35to candy shop what are you doing these

00:01:37people his heart is out of his body fell

00:01:56I I don’t think he’s gonna make it

00:02:02nobody touches this ball till we figure

00:02:04out what it is damn these things are

00:02:16hard to kill

