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The Place Beyond the Pines – Official Trailer #2 (2013) Ryan Gosling [HD]

00:00:07who’s that guy if yours I’m gonna throw

00:00:10me just evolved how are you gonna take

00:00:12care of

00:00:15want to provide for that kid do that

00:00:17using your skill set

00:00:19I can’t think of another line of work

00:00:21that I’d rather be in

00:00:39thomas for me I’m still his father I can

00:00:42give them stuff this is our problem can

00:00:44i bring it to your attention because

00:00:46that’s what I should do I 1221 I’m not

00:00:49gonna like to bring it down if your ride

00:00:53like lightning you’re gonna crash like

00:00:55thunder the place beyond the pines in

00:00:58cinemas April 12