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The Hangover Part 3 – Red Band Trailer (2013) [HD]

00:00:05Rhodri hello how about that ride in you

00:00:09guys might not know this but I consider

00:00:11myself a one-man wolfpack when Doug

00:00:14introduced me to you guys I thought wait

00:00:17a second could it be I just added two

00:00:20more guys to my wolfpack was that guy

00:00:24you’re so mean don’t you remember

00:00:25anything Oh funny because she’s bad four

00:00:34of us wolves looking for strippers and

00:00:37cocaine no more bumps ciao I want to

00:00:40choose I married a whore how dare you

00:00:42she’s a nice lady glad sickness too I

00:00:45can’t even tell you what we’ve been


00:00:50it’s funny in any language cuz we made a

00:00:53pact more important than blood what the

00:01:00fuck is going on what I can’t tell you

00:01:03is this he’s still got it hey felt look

00:01:08he’s jackin his little weenus I must

00:01:12resign from the wolf pack

00:01:19I always remember the last words he said

00:01:22to me I’m proud of you Alan never change

00:01:27well I heard you loud and clear daddy I

00:01:31will never change never ever

00:01:37you got the wrong guy’s car got the

00:01:39right fucking guys hey this black dog

00:01:41shut the fuck up with why is black duck

00:01:43kidnapping us I said don’t call me that

00:01:45shit just uh okay it ain’t all his fault

00:01:48Thank You Black done Oh mother fuck da

00:01:50fuck so be doing down here you know

00:01:53fucking doing blow cool I got in the

00:01:56cock fighting oh that sounds wonderful

00:01:57oh thank still trying to him

00:02:02what the fuck is wrong with those

00:02:04chickens angry all I feed them is

00:02:06cocaine and chicken I told myself I

00:02:10would never come back go hurt Rollins


00:02:16suck it bitches should’ve thought this

00:02:21through sha

00:02:25I can’t feel my nuts with you wrote down

00:02:28and make sure they okay you introduce

00:02:33the virus into my life mr. leslie chow

00:02:35god was he do he fucked me in the ass oh

00:02:38he does that from time to time not
