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Man of Steel – Official Trailer #4 (2013) Henry Cavill, Russel Crowe [HD]

00:00:20my name is General Zod

00:00:23I have journeyed across an ocean of

00:00:26stars to reach you

00:00:29your world has sheltered one of my

00:00:31citizens he will look like you but he is

00:00:36not one of you to those of you who know

00:00:41of his location the fate of your planet

00:00:46rests in your hands

00:00:50to kal-el I say this

00:00:53surrender within 24 hours or watch this

00:00:58world suffer the consequences

00:01:11you will not win

00:01:13forever you- safe

00:01:16we will kill a million

00:01:19I won’t betray them

00:01:22you already have
