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House at the End of the Street – Official Trailer (2012) Jennifer Lawrence Movie [HD]




00:00:14hey do you need a ride no I’m fine this

00:00:17is my driveway no it’s not you just

00:00:19smooth it on Sycamore Lane I live next


00:00:20you’re Ryan Jacobsen yeah

00:00:28your parents got killed I’m sorry I know

00:00:31that people were talking about it good

00:00:33that’s all anybody can think around me

00:00:35anyways you know that house is the

00:00:38reason why we can’t even afford to rent

00:00:39this house

00:00:42what exactly happened again

00:00:44the daughter carrion killed both her

00:00:48parents what happened to Carrie Anne she

00:00:56drowned in the dam but the rumor is you

00:01:01can see her in the woods

00:01:02I left the Freak finally decided to show


00:01:09Ryan’s had a tough tough life he’s

00:01:14really sweet and sad he’s all by himself

00:01:17in this big house I do not want the two

00:01:20of you to be alone in his house can you

00:01:23respect that

00:01:35right hey this is ELISA Sol leave a
