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Byzantium Clip – Blood Waterfall (2013) Gemma Arterton [HD]

00:00:00hoping to arrange a more official

00:00:01meeting ideally with the school

00:00:03counselor and with Eleanor herself well

00:00:06what’s the problem cuz you know usually

00:00:07she’s sales well and Ellen I wrote her

00:00:12life story and she’s quite insistent

00:00:15that it’s true I don’t expect you to be

00:00:17flattered by this but in it she

00:00:19describes you as a secret which i

00:00:21believe is a sort of vampire what she

00:00:25has got a great imagination I hope she

00:00:29gets top marks

00:00:30who else has read it you have soul care

00:00:33of her thank you boy Frank but he’s read

00:00:35it quite a responsibility for somebody

00:00:37so yeah I’m doing just fine thank you

00:00:44so I shoot the bastard Riven and on the

00:00:49map and then what well it in she doesn’t

00:00:52say to she that’s cuz I never told her

00:00:56should we arrange em all I saw that

00:00:59ribbon wasn’t dead I should have killed

00:01:00him then but I had mercy on the now hold

00:01:04that thought because I’ll tell you what

00:01:06he did but first shall I tell you what

00:01:10it was like for me it was wonderful I

00:01:16had eyes that cut through lies lungs

00:01:19breathe determine I thought I’d lived my

00:01:23whole wretched life just to prepare me

00:01:26for that moment