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Wonders of the Modern World – Scheldt Storm Barrier

00:00:00nearly one third of the Netherlands lies

00:00:03below the sea level while the first

00:00:06barrier became operational in 1956 it

00:00:09wasn’t until several decades later in

00:00:111986 that the eastern shelled storm

00:00:14surge barrier became operational it is

00:00:17one of the largest structures in the

00:00:19world and it is actually an open damp

00:00:21originally plans for a closed damn were

00:00:24criticized because all of the saltwater

00:00:26environment of the area would cease to

00:00:28exist instead the open damned allowed

00:00:32gates to open and close 62 of these

00:00:34openings allowed as much salt water to

00:00:37pass through per time
