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Wonders of the Modern World – Panama Canal

00:00:00consider the largest and most difficult

00:00:03engineering project ever the Panama

00:00:05Canal was completed in the first part of

00:00:07the 20th century it actually connected

00:00:10the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean

00:00:12through Central America the 48 mile

00:00:15canal actually allowed ships now to pass

00:00:18between North and South America rather

00:00:20than going around the southernmost tip

00:00:23of South America a ship going from New

00:00:26York to San Francisco now only had to

00:00:28travel 6,000 miles in comparison with

00:00:30the previous amount of 14,000 miles

00:00:33enough earth and rubble was moved during

00:00:36construction of the Panama Canal to

00:00:38build a 16-foot wide tunnel all the way

00:00:41to the center of the earth
