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Ten Greatest Soccer (Football) Nations in the World – # 5

00:00:00at number five we have a nation that’s

00:00:0211 World Cup this nation is also the

00:00:05nation that introduced the world to the

00:00:07game of soccer sadly the reputation

00:00:09continues to be tarnished by hooliganism

00:00:11abroad this nation is England you cannot

00:00:14argue the passion that the English fans

00:00:16feel for the game in fact no nation on

00:00:18earth probably feels as much passion for

00:00:21this game prior to nineteen ninety-eight

00:00:23World Cup a poll circulated in England

00:00:25who asking men what would you rather do

00:00:29watch an england game or spend the night

00:00:31with the woman of your dreams sixty-five

00:00:34percent of respondents said i’d rather

00:00:35watch it england game that’s passion

00:00:38england is also home to one of the elite

00:00:40leaves the Premiership where teams such

00:00:43as Arsenal Manchester United and Chelsea

00:00:44face off on a weekly basis