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Outdoor Workout for Men and Women – Dips

00:00:00as an added bonus we actually added an

00:00:03upper body exercise to dips now the

00:00:06first motion she’s doing she actually

00:00:08has her legs slightly bent so the

00:00:12leverage basically from the foot to the

00:00:16elbows is actually the length of the

00:00:18difficulty so the more you lengthen your

00:00:21legs the harder the dips will become

00:00:24very important keep your car core stable

00:00:27and when you go up you exhale inhale

00:00:30going down very important when you do a

00:00:32dip never lock your elbows when you lock

00:00:35your elbows you increase your chance of

00:00:36getting hurt