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New York: City Profile

00:00:01you’re watching watch more calm i’m your

00:00:04host alex and today we’re going to

00:00:05continue our city profiles this time

00:00:07hitting up NYC newyorkcity is the

00:00:10largest city in the united states and

00:00:12one of the world’s major global cities

00:00:14located in the state of New York the

00:00:17city has a population of 8.2 million

00:00:19with an area of 321 square miles making

00:00:23it the most densely populated city in

00:00:25north america new york city is an

00:00:27international center for business

00:00:29finance fashion medicine entertainment

00:00:32media and culture the city is also home

00:00:35to the United Nations and too many of

00:00:37the world’s most famous skyscrapers such

00:00:40as a Chrysler Building and the Empire

00:00:42State Building otherwise known as the

00:00:44Big Apple and the city that never sleeps

00:00:46the city attracts people from all over

00:00:48the globe who comforts Economic

00:00:51Opportunity culture and fast-paced

00:00:53cosmopolitan lifestyle new york city is

00:00:55located on the coast of the northeastern

00:00:58United States at the mouth of the Hudson

00:01:00River in southeastern New York State New

00:01:02York has a humid continental climate

00:01:04resulting from prevailing wind patterns

00:01:07that bring cool air from the interior of

00:01:10the North American continent New York

00:01:12winters are typically cold with moderate

00:01:14snowfall averaging a total of two feet

00:01:17annually New York City is home to the

00:01:19most complex and extensive

00:01:21transportation networks in all of the

00:01:23United States with more than 12,000

00:01:25iconic yellow cabs 120,000 daily

00:01:28bicyclists Subways bus railroad systems

00:01:32immense airports landmark bridges and

00:01:35tunnels ferry services and even an

00:01:37aerial commuter train way the New York

00:01:39City subway is the largest subway system

00:01:41in the world measured by track mileage

00:01:43and it is also the world’s

00:01:45fourth-largest when measured by annual

