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How to choose the right Jeans

00:00:02genes have become a staple item in every

00:00:05woman’s wardrobe there are so many

00:00:07different styles cuts and colors there

00:00:09is very hard to find that perfect there

00:00:11but today we’re going to make it easy

00:00:13for you so we’re right here at Pyra suka

00:00:14we selected the hottest styles and teens

00:00:17and we’re going to tell you what that

00:00:18label means now and it’s going to give

00:00:20us some great advice to find that

00:00:22perfect pair of jeans you sit through

00:00:24the dark then it makes you look leaner

00:00:25well it’s only normal like any like a

00:00:28black pair of pants will make you look

00:00:29thinner but what’s very important too is

00:00:31the type of cuts and it’s just to try

00:00:33many genes to find that perfect fit it

00:00:35has to do with the rise it has to do

00:00:36with the fit of the gene but there are

00:00:39so many different styles and so many

00:00:40different genes are coming to fashion

00:00:42and go that what should we be looking

00:00:44for when it comes to finding that

00:00:46perfect pair what was very important is

00:00:48the cut of the jeans therefore basic

00:00:50cuts which is a skinny jean de straight

00:00:52cut the boot and the flare it all

00:00:54depends i mean if you’re a little

00:00:55rounder was very important is that you

00:00:57go for a flare cut just so it doesn’t

00:00:59emphasize the hips that’s right and also

00:01:01the skinny jean doesn’t mean that you

00:01:03have to be extremely skinny to wear

00:01:04skinny jeans it’s just a type of gene a

00:01:06skinny jean can emphasize different

00:01:08parts of the body too so I guess you got

00:01:10to try them all to really try to find

00:01:12that perfect Jean well thank you so much

00:01:14for answering all those questions is

00:01:16very helpful it was my pleasure