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Health and Exercise Tips – Bicep Curls using the Olympia…

00:00:00so next up in our exercises is the bicep

00:00:04curl i’m using the limpia bar for this

00:00:07modified version to do so and just

00:00:10before doing the action here are some

00:00:12general ques okay so first off Patrick

00:00:15head in line neutral spine so I don’t

00:00:19want any shoulders up your elbows glued

00:00:23to your sides apps types and since we’re

00:00:26doing this exercise standing up I’m

00:00:28going to ask you to please just bend

00:00:30your knees a little bit great okay in

00:00:33reference to the Vinci chart simply

00:00:37palms up great we’re going to keep the

00:00:41hands to this length you don’t have to

00:00:43bring it close to you too Patrick for

00:00:45soft please do the squat and pick up

00:00:48your barbell great thank you yell

00:00:54positioned neutral spine looking

00:00:56straight up abs tight elbows glued okay

00:01:01we’re going to be using a temp 02 02 so

00:01:031000 2000 going up same 1000 2000 going

00:01:07down okay so I want your elbows glue to

00:01:10your sides start the action elbow

00:01:13flexion now for those who do not have

00:01:16hyper extensible joints keep your elbows

00:01:21little been going down for those who are

00:01:24your ok of it could go all the way down

00:01:26good the breathing as you bring it down


00:01:34and as we bring it up exhale where the

00:01:37effort requires what not to do

00:01:43absolutely no time yank your body so not

00:01:48through that it’s very bad for your

00:01:49lower back you’re going to keep your

00:01:51body straight nice posture at site at

00:01:54all times how do you feel Patrick fit so

00:01:59this sums up our bicep curls using a
