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Fashion Faux-Pas for Women – Part 3

00:00:01buying clothes that don’t fit now ladies

00:00:05we’ve all been there you’re in the

00:00:07changing room you’re trying on a size 26

00:00:09Jean but there’s one problem you’re

00:00:12actually a size 32 yep face it ladies

00:00:16maybe there are some of us who would all

00:00:19like to be a little bit smaller but you

00:00:21know what there’s a little something

00:00:23called reality and we should all learn

00:00:26to really love our bodies and if you

00:00:28don’t love your body then take your body

00:00:30to a gym the fact is buying stuff that’s

00:00:34too tight or too loose does a huge

00:00:37disservice to your silhouette we’re

00:00:40something too tight and all you see is

00:00:41bulges and bumps everywhere if you wear

00:00:43something too loose you’re hiding

00:00:45something that maybe you should be

00:00:47showing or PB you but anyways the fact

00:00:52is buying clothes that fit actually do

00:00:55you a favor so look into that you won’t

00:00:58be sorry
