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Flesh Branding | National Geographic

00:00:02more and more in North America young

00:00:05people are not content just to get

00:00:07pierced or tattooed they want to make a

00:00:10personal statement in scars they’re

00:00:14getting their flesh burned with searing

00:00:17hot metal they’re getting branded until


00:00:24Tyler Ballentine had never set foot in

00:00:26New York City but Tyler has not really

00:00:29come to see the sights

00:00:30he’s in New York for just one reason to

00:00:34get a brand at home in Toronto Canada

00:00:39Tyler works as a professional body

00:00:41piercer so far he has pierced himself 16

00:00:45times including the holes he has

00:00:48stretched in his earlobes he’s part of a

00:00:51growing subculture in North America that

00:00:54its devotees call body modification body


00:01:04reshape their bodies from tattoos to

00:01:08scarification to implanting objects

00:01:11under their skin body modifiers admit

00:01:15much of what sets them apart is

00:01:17dangerous and excruciating ly painful

00:01:20but nothing they say feels or smells

00:01:24like having your skin melted away with

00:01:28burning hot steel

00:01:31Haven for his brand Tyler has turned to

00:01:34Brian Decker a fellow body modifier

00:01:38clapping huh yeah how low would you want

00:01:41to go sir I’m about halfway how about

00:01:47here – Tyler his brand represents

00:01:51freedom specifically his freedom to

00:01:53modify his body any way he wants unlike

00:01:57branders of the past Brian will burn

00:02:00Tyler’s arm inch by inch it will take

00:02:04several hours I was him right now in

00:02:08this circumstance I definitely been

00:02:09nervous Tyler knows there’s a very real

00:02:13chance he may simply not be able to take

00:02:15it by law Brian cannot give him an


00:02:22Brian’s only tools are a wedge of

00:02:25stainless steel a vise grip and a

00:02:28blowtorch from the first strike the pain

00:02:31is excruciating heated to at least 1,000

00:02:37degrees Fahrenheit the steel instantly

00:02:40vaporizes Tyler skin even after the

00:02:44metal is removed the tissue continues to

00:02:47burn branding is so torturous Tyler is

00:02:51running the risk his body could go into

00:02:53shock at the very least his inflamed

00:02:56skin will remain susceptible to

00:02:58infection for days to come

00:03:01you’re getting a third-degree burn if

00:03:03you don’t take care of a third-degree

00:03:04burn then you know just definitely

00:03:07possibility for an infection that

00:03:09obviously could spread gradually Tyler

00:03:13grows accustomed to the pain and he is

00:03:16able to lay still and watch Bryan finish

00:03:18that’s cause hopefully it’s going to

00:03:20look decent in all the process has taken

00:03:25five hours and despite the torment Tyler

00:03:30is content with his accomplishment a

00:03:31question he didn’t quit and he’s gotten

00:03:35another unique mark to signal his

00:03:37identity it hurt really bad but what

00:03:41just made it all the more worse was the

00:03:43smell of it and hearing my skin pop I

00:03:47know there’s going to be mixed reactions

00:03:50there’s going to be people calling me

00:03:51nuts but that’s kind of the beauty of

00:03:55modifications because you get to be able

00:03:57to see who actually looks into people

00:04:02really it doesn’t really matter what you

00:04:04look like it shouldn’t matter at all

00:04:10for body modifiers brands are not just

00:04:14an extreme way to signify their status

00:04:16as social rebels there are also keys to

00:04:19a separate and very elite club they can

00:04:23call their own