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Clinton Impeachment | National Geographic


00:00:12October 3rd 1997 9:45 p.m. 32 miles away

00:00:19from the nation’s capital Columbia

00:00:22Maryland hi how’d you know with me

00:00:26they’ve call ID I was at a Linda Tripp

00:00:31Linda Tripp an aide at the Pentagon is

00:00:33calling a 23 year old co-worker named

00:00:36Monica Lewinsky tripping Lewinsky a

00:00:39former White House intern worked

00:00:41together in the Pentagon’s Public

00:00:42Affairs Office despite their age

00:00:45difference the two women are close

00:00:47friends Lewinsky is troubled about a

00:00:50recent relationship yeah how do you want

00:00:54to talk about it hate his behavior at

00:01:03time this is no ordinary romance

00:01:07Lewinsky is talking about an affair with

00:01:09the President of the United States

00:01:12William Jefferson Clinton is eight and a

00:01:15half months into his second term his

00:01:18public approval rating is at fifty five

00:01:20percent it is a prosperous time in


00:01:25stock prices are soaring jobs are

00:01:27plentiful and the country is not at war

00:01:33at the same time the Clinton presidency

00:01:36is operating under a cloud of scandal

00:01:39for the last three years an independent

00:01:42council Kenneth Starr has been

00:01:44conducting several investigations

00:01:46related to the president what triggered

00:01:49the investigations they began with

00:01:52allegations of misconduct in an Arkansas

00:01:55real estate deal

00:01:56between 1978 and 1992 Bill and Hillary

00:02:00Clinton were partners with two others in

00:02:02the Whitewater Development Corporation

00:02:05in 1992 allegations surfaced that the

00:02:08Clintons may have profited illegally

00:02:10from the venture in January 1994

00:02:14Attorney General Janet Reno appoints a

00:02:16prosecutor to investigate the so-called

00:02:18whitewater case against the Clintons 7

00:02:24months later he is replaced by Kenneth

00:02:26Starr over the next three years other

00:02:28unrelated allegations against the

00:02:31president surface accusations of

00:02:33campaign finance abuse the mishandling

00:02:36of legal files and the improper firing

00:02:39of White House staffers
