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Building Rome’s Colosseum | Engineering the Impossible: The Colosseum


00:00:10the solution lay in three key

00:00:12architectural innovations that form the

00:00:15secret of Rome’s great monuments the

00:00:18most important is the arch the arch is

00:00:22an almost perfect design for bearing

00:00:25heavy loads and that design is so simple

00:00:28a series of wedge-shaped blocks is

00:00:31assembled together in a semicircular

00:00:33form and supported on top of two pillars

00:00:37at the side the weight of the building

00:00:40is absorbed by the Keystone in the

00:00:43center of the arch and distributed

00:00:45evenly over the entire span of the arch

00:00:48and then down into this two-sided

00:00:51pillars this allows the pillars to bear

00:00:55enormous blows and because the space in

00:00:59between the pillars is empty this

00:01:01reduces the weight of the building even

00:01:04further the arch would become a

00:01:06reoccurring theme throughout the

00:01:08building of the Colosseum on the outer

00:01:10ring ad gigantic arches 23 feet high

00:01:13form a giant ring around the perimeter

00:01:16on top of these is set another 80 arches

00:01:20on top of these is a third-tier making

00:01:24240 arches and all the Colosseum really

00:01:28is nothing but arches it’s a symphony of



00:01:47the organization required to achieve

00:01:50this feat of engineering was phenomenal

00:01:52but even here Rome’s engineers had a

00:01:55trick or two up their togas for them

00:01:58building was a business of mass

00:02:00production standardization is key for

00:02:03the efficient building of the Colosseum

00:02:04for example the Romans use the arch and

00:02:06the arch is repeated again and again and

00:02:09again by countless teams of builders and

00:02:12that kind of standardization is very

00:02:14akin to what we have in an

00:02:16industrialized world today so the

00:02:19breaking down of the building allows

00:02:21them to have lots of work gangs with not

00:02:24huge skills they just have to simply

00:02:26build enough in this way the thousands

00:02:31of laborers working on the Colosseum

00:02:33could be left to build their section

00:02:34with minimal supervision confident in

00:02:37the knowledge that their labors were

00:02:38being repeated all over the structure

00:02:42you’re gonna have a lot of unskilled

00:02:43laborers you’re gonna have a lot of

00:02:45bricklayers you’re gonna have a lot of

00:02:47people that have some sort of skill but

00:02:50they’re not going to be required to know

00:02:51more than a whole lot then you’re gonna

00:02:54have a lot of skilled laborers the

00:02:56people that are going to be carving

00:02:57columns people that are gonna be carving

00:02:59the statues that are going to go in the

00:03:00niches in the upper floors so you’re

00:03:02gonna have a lot of skilled craftsmen

00:03:04you can have a lot of unskilled people

00:03:06participating in this very massive and

00:03:08important construction site just making

00:03:17sure that each work gang was in the

00:03:19right place at the right time and doing

00:03:22the right thing was a challenge in

