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Antlion Death Trap | National Geographic

00:00:00this is a story about crafty fearsome

00:00:04lions no not this kind of lion this kind

00:00:10of lion you’re looking at the predatory

00:00:13larvae of the ant lion this creature can

00:00:17remain in the larval stage for up to

00:00:19three years like the big cats this

00:00:23specimen is in Africa although antlion

00:00:25species can be found in warm regions

00:00:28around the world these Lions have

00:00:31ferocious jaws only these jaws are

00:00:34hollow allowing it to suck the life

00:00:36juices out of what else ants or whatever

00:00:40it can trap the sand has to be just

00:00:50right fine grain soft for this crafty

00:00:54critter to rig a trap that will make

00:00:55catching a meal Aslam duck

00:01:05the antlion makes like a steam shovel

00:01:08lobbing the sand and pebbles out of the

00:01:11pit he burrows into the bottom ready to

00:01:18use those awesome choppers on whatever

00:01:21bumbles into this ambush sure enough an

00:01:26ant slips into his ditch it tries to

00:01:38escape but the antlion larva doesn’t

00:01:41give up that easily he pummels the ant

00:01:49with sand

00:01:50just as it’s about to get out of there

00:01:52no matter what the ant does its doomed

00:01:55to slide back into the jaws of death

00:02:08the larval antlion maybe a heck of a lot

00:02:11smaller than its namesake but it is

00:02:14every bit the voracious predator