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Ray Lewis Moitvational Speech Champion

00:00:06every day go by that you waste because

00:00:10that’s the thing you can never get back

00:00:14there’s something does the spirit that

00:00:17grabs me right and it’s in every one of

00:00:20you guys but the question is how much

00:00:23time we waste

00:00:25I just came by the gym three hours

00:00:28got five hours I said every day of my


00:00:34I’m trying to find a different way to

00:00:36get that

00:00:38clothes didn’t tell me to do this

00:00:41remember we have lockout so I can

00:00:44training for football

00:00:45I’m training for lifestyle I’m training

00:00:48because I say it’s something

00:00:49greatest ever doing and I’m not done

00:00:54destination that’s less inside each one

00:00:57right then


00:01:01Christmas new remains how much time were

00:01:04you really waste

00:01:06if I looked at my car the joke

00:01:11never stops with old one

00:01:13so what thank God don’t give us your

00:01:17time it’s show time now the question is

00:01:21what would you do to make Street

00:01:24few times when will you be ready

00:01:27that’s what I do man that’s all I do

00:01:30that I believe every time I step on and

00:01:32I never cheat one of my team effort

00:01:36I’ve never let one of my teammates take

00:01:38a break

00:01:39and I’d never take a break bone mill

00:01:42oh man you guys the puppets would

00:01:45you make up in a modest gonna let your

00:01:48long copy the only thing that wakes you

00:01:50up make sure you wake over God your mind

00:01:53make sure you fall to your knees with

00:01:55your face on low say thank you for

00:01:58another opportunity not just to wake up

00:02:00but to be a top athlete

00:02:03for some people case

00:02:04he wants it

00:02:08to you

00:02:09strap on some shoulder blades put on

00:02:12your case we all know that feeling feel


00:02:15there’s no feeling in the real life so

00:02:19now how thankful would you get back to

00:02:21them every single day you gotta master

00:02:24your craft that’s what it’s about

00:02:28million kids across this country man

00:02:31this one this one shot harsh reality 1%


00:02:36one i heard from everything i was too

00:02:40small I couldn’t do this I good good

00:02:42okay and nobody’s helping step in that

00:02:45room challenging don’t let coat always

00:02:53have to tell you what to do find a way

00:02:55to do it yourself so that when he gave

00:02:58detection and when he get ready to

00:03:00question and what a that’s when you

00:03:06start having a feel me

00:03:07that’s where the coach appreciates

00:03:09coming in to meet running before you

00:03:11play it when it’s game you throw the

00:03:13opponent down the coast on that phone

00:03:15it’s just competition right so when

00:03:18somebody said all are you ready to be

00:03:19done why I need fellow man ever finally

00:03:23I work me you might not run me on the

00:03:25fourth but she’s no fighter hot rookie

00:03:27for sixty minutes

00:03:28I doubt that him because I got no

00:03:31special only thing I got special I made

00:03:33my mind at the be special greatness it’s

00:03:37a lot of small things done well

00:03:40stacked on top of each other

00:03:43yes ma’am no man pants portable

00:03:48all things that makes radius so when

00:03:51somebody finally sees you they represent

00:03:53you as a king coach boss

00:03:57until you set your mind Center thing by

00:03:59the king

00:04:00did you stay where everybody else’s

00:04:01that’s the place I want to stay I want

00:04:04to go way beyond and that’s what I’m

00:04:06still chasing to this day as long as I

00:04:08was in general

00:04:10now simple or whatever it is I don’t

00:04:13know what it is

00:04:14but if I can change one life today just

00:04:17by telling you would be different do

00:04:18something different and take God that

00:04:20you are where you go they do it and do


00:04:26and when you do it that’s your name

00:04:31working with me

00:04:34we found medical base your footsteps

00:04:38that’s on recent cash respectively

00:04:43because I made up my mind

00:04:45really energy

00:04:48really I’m never gonna take the fastest

00:04:51from nothing so all in all I have on the

00:04:57other hands program and years old

00:05:01take a call snap during excavation it’s

00:05:05at the Decker cause flip over call under

00:05:07six couple of another card if I get a

00:05:09jack from the king

00:05:11I got an 825 and triple choked up the

00:05:13kid I mastered a nine years old that day

00:05:19because that’s on the three different

00:05:20colors if I brought my bag enhancer

00:05:23those same three better cards then I

00:05:25traveled with every day of my life

00:05:27the only thing I know is I can take a

00:05:29break these moments we talking I just

00:05:36want to tell you guys thank you for

00:05:38letting me come speak to because it’s

00:05:40some spirit that tribes in this room

00:05:42that none of you guys one of these days

00:05:44to go back as I remember conversation

00:05:47and now men

00:05:49because next man be that next day now

00:05:52it’s just the beginning the commands

00:05:54alone that’s all I’m trying to do I’m

00:05:57trying to pass some type of knowledge to

00:05:59somebody else that’s gonna grant

00:06:02I grabbed it differently

00:06:04I love my father every inch of all but I

00:06:08grabbed it because I didn’t have a


00:06:11it’s all I could grab on to was my

00:06:13relationship with God mom worked three

00:06:15jobs and mom was never on so mine was


00:06:20so my grand my tasting my mouth is

00:06:22different I never had one now

00:06:27I was done

00:06:30I started airing man you guys way out

00:06:33shocking waste

00:06:35you got to make up your mind

00:06:38nobody nobody tell you what you can do

00:06:42you can’t cross the line Michael Jordan


00:06:47a cop said you’re not good enough he


00:06:52simply work

00:06:55so I’m not here to tell you secrets

00:06:59it’s worth every second I’m working with

00:07:03in Iraq

00:07:04god bless

00:07:06that’s why you breath

00:07:09as well

00:07:12that’s one take I thank you for loving

00:07:16I’m open book come to coach will have

00:07:20some way get in contact with one and I’m

00:07:24all good to tell you guys the level walk

00:07:26to life alone don’t ever do it alone as

00:07:29the one that’s walking everything by

00:07:31yourself you take somebody with you take

00:07:34some mileage tap use on three times on

