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GOTO 2016 • Machine Learning with Google Cloud Platform • Kaz Sato

00:00:09I’m Kaz Sato I’m a developer advocate

00:00:12for Google cloud platform and I’m also a

00:00:14tech lead for the data analytics team

00:00:16and I have been working at Google for

00:00:20over five years and for the last one and

00:00:23a half years I have been working as a

00:00:25developer advocate to having a

00:00:29presentation like this at many events so

00:00:34in these sessions I’d like to talk about

00:00:37these agendas but first I’d like to

00:00:40introduction introduce the concept of

00:00:42neural network and deep learning and how

00:00:44it works with very great demonstrations

00:00:48and also I’d like to introduce how

00:00:52Google has been deploying those neural

00:00:55network technologies to the Google crowd

00:00:57and then I’ll be covering the

00:01:00technologies and products that those are

00:01:04actually provided as a products from

00:01:06Google cloud platforms so what what is

00:01:11neural network so neural network is a

00:01:15function that can learn from training

00:01:17data set so if you want to have newer

00:01:20networks to do image recognition then

00:01:24you can put the for example cat image is

00:01:27converted into a load vector and then

00:01:31put that vector into the networks then

00:01:34eventually you’d have another output

00:01:36vector which represents the labels of

00:01:39the objects detect such as cat or human

00:01:42face so it’s designed to mimic the

00:01:47behavior of new ones inside human brains

00:01:50by using matrix operations so actually

00:01:54it’s really it has very basic matrix

00:01:57operations only there is no

00:01:59sophisticated or fancy mathematics going

00:02:01on everything you do with neural

00:02:04networks is you have if you matrix

00:02:06operations we have learned at high

00:02:07school for example the input vector may

00:02:12we present represent the image of cat

00:02:15then they will have a vector that would

00:02:17have the pixel data converting it to a


00:02:20and you would get another output vector

00:02:23as a result that represents the label of

00:02:27the detected images in in this case you

00:02:30will have the any number closer to the

00:02:331.0 that indicates the neural networks

00:02:37thinks the image must be a cat but you

00:02:41think’s going on inside in your networks

00:02:44is very simple all you are doing with

00:02:48neural network is the matrix operations

00:02:49like W X plus B equals wise where the WS

00:02:54are weights and B are biases and

00:02:58actually you don’t have to care about

00:03:00those WS and B’s at all you let

00:03:03computers find and calculate the WS and

00:03:07B’s so all you have to care is the yeah

00:03:10what kind of data you would want to put

00:03:13into the networks and what kind of the

00:03:15result you want to get so let’s take a

00:03:20look at the some interesting

00:03:22demonstration of neural networks for

00:03:24example if you have a problem like this

00:03:26the very simple classifications how you

00:03:29can use neural networks to do the

00:03:31classifications of these two different

00:03:33data sets I’m not sure what that those

00:03:37data point means but let’s take a lift

00:03:41imagine that those are the data of the

00:03:44weights and height of people so that if

00:03:48a person’s weight and height are both

00:03:51loud and you can think he or she must be

00:03:54a child or maybe he or she could be a

00:03:58adult how how can you classify them if

00:04:03you using you if you try to use neural

00:04:06networks to do this problem then you can

00:04:08just apply the same equation W X plus B

00:04:12equal Y to do you’ve to do two

00:04:14classifications so you are putting the

00:04:17weight number and height number here as

00:04:19a vector and you get an output a vector

00:04:21like this where if you if what single

00:04:25data points isn’t classified as an adult

00:04:28then you would have one here and if it’s

00:04:31a child then you would have a one here

00:04:34and thing is that computer tries to find

00:04:38the optimal combination of the

00:04:39parameters such as the weights and

00:04:41biases by itself and you don’t have to

00:04:44think about what kind of parameters you

00:04:47have to set to neural networks computer

00:04:49does it for you so let’s take a look at

00:04:52the actual demonstration did you see

00:04:56that so I can do that okay so instead of

00:05:00the humans letting computer instructing

00:05:04learning you know you don’t have to

00:05:08teach computers how to solve these

00:05:10problems but everything you have to do

00:05:12is provide the training data set so that

00:05:15computer thinks by itself to optimize

00:05:18the combination of the parameters such

00:05:21as weights and biases so you see that

00:05:25the computer is try to change the the

00:05:29weights to do the classifications at

00:05:32optimal success rate and now computer is

00:05:40using an algorithm is called gradient

00:05:43lee set that means it tries to increase

00:05:46or decrease each weights and biases to

00:05:50make the combinations closer through the

00:05:54higher accuracy or lower loss slate so

00:05:59it’s just like we’re learning things

00:06:01from the the parents or there may be a

00:06:05senior people in your company where you

00:06:07this junior people or these children are

00:06:11learning from many many mistakes so

00:06:14computer makes many many mistakes but in

00:06:16the initial stage but if you provide

00:06:19much much more training data set than

00:06:22computer using the gradient descent

00:06:25algorithms try to minimize the failures

00:06:28so that that’s how it works so let’s

00:06:31take a look at another interesting

00:06:34demonstrations of new or networks where

00:06:36you have the another training dataset

00:06:38like this I’m not sure what what does it

00:06:41mean but we think that we have a some

00:06:46data set which requires a complex

00:06:48classifications if you a program has

00:06:50maybe with this data setting you may

00:06:53want to user maybe equations for circle

00:06:55to classify the two datasets through

00:06:58datasets and arrange a disease but by

00:07:01using newer networks you can just let

00:07:04computer things how to solve it now you

00:07:09saw the computer was trying to create a

00:07:15pattern to classify those datasets by

00:07:19using so called neurons in the hidden

00:07:21layers with the first example we didn’t

00:07:27have any hidden layers but with this

00:07:29complex data that you would need to use

00:07:31the hidden layers that means between the

00:07:35input data and the output neurons you

00:07:38would have another layers between them

00:07:41there has much pool new ones and each

00:07:45new ones does very simple things these

00:07:48neurons only classifies whether the data

00:07:51points is in the in the bottom left red

00:07:55area or the upper right area or now

00:07:58these neurons only classifies whether

00:08:01the data points is in the left or right

00:08:03just like that but combining those

00:08:05outputs at the the last new one neural

00:08:09network then the neural networks can

00:08:11compose much more complex pattern like

00:08:14this and if you have more and more new

00:08:16neurons inside the hidden layers then

00:08:18the network specifications speculations

00:08:23can be much more accurate like this so

00:08:31here by adding more hidden layers with

00:08:33more new ones you have to spend much

00:08:36more computation power but at the same

00:08:38time the neural networks can compose

00:08:40much more complex patterns and extract

00:08:44the patterns from the large data set how

00:08:48about this let’s try it this is a data

00:08:53pattern called double spiral if you are

00:08:55a programmer and your director or cast

00:08:58asked you to cross fight this kind of

00:09:01data set what kind of your program

00:09:03called you drive do you want to write

00:09:05many issue statements or switch

00:09:07statements with many threshold try

00:09:09checking the x and y partitions no I

00:09:12don’t want to do that instead I would

00:09:14you be using neural networks so that

00:09:17neural networks try to looking at the

00:09:19data points in the data sets to find the

00:09:23optimal patterns hidden inside the

00:09:25training data set that’s right this so

00:09:28this is the where in your networks can

00:09:30exceed the human performance human

00:09:32programmers performance it can extract

00:09:35those hidden patterns inside the

00:09:38training data set and you don’t have to

00:09:42specify anything decorative features you

00:09:46don’t have to any actual features by

00:09:50human hand instead computers can find

00:09:52the patterns from the training data set

00:09:54so that why people are so excited with

00:09:57the neural networks and that deep

00:09:58learning about this so if you have the

00:10:04problems of the identifying handwriting

00:10:07text you can still using the very simple

00:10:10GW Express peep equals why kind of

00:10:13neural networks to cross find this

00:10:15handwriting takes the networks would

00:10:18come up with disease complex patterns

00:10:21stacking classify those images into the

00:10:24year vectors with the labels like an

00:10:28eight or seven or six if you want more

00:10:31accuracy than you would have more no

00:10:33more hidden dangers so that you you

00:10:35could get like a 85 or 95 or 98 like a

00:10:39machine how about this how can you

00:10:42classify these cat images by using

00:10:44neural networks you have to have many

00:10:47more layers of neural networks that is

00:10:52so-called deep neural networks

00:10:54this isn’t diagram is called inception

00:10:56model pattern 3 there has been published

00:11:00by Google last year where we have used

00:11:03240 hidden layers in a single neural

00:11:06network design so it takes much more

00:11:09computation power and time but still we


00:11:12much more complex competitions like this

00:11:14you know the new ones closer to the

00:11:17input vector could learn very simple

00:11:20pattern rugby’s like you know vertical

00:11:23lines or the horizontal rise but the

00:11:26neurons closer to the output vector

00:11:30could learn much more complex patterns

00:11:33or compositions such as eyes nose or

00:11:35human face again we didn’t put any

00:11:40features of patterns embedded in the

00:11:44neural networks before training did so

00:11:46everything can be trained from the data


00:11:51yeah by using computation power so

00:11:55that’s the how neural network and deep

00:11:57learning works but as I mentioned it

00:11:59takes so much computation time and

00:12:01training data sets to use the planning’s

00:12:05for the production projects so there are

00:12:07two big challenges right now for the

00:12:09users for the deep runnings and this is

00:12:11why keep running is has not been so

00:12:14popular for you guys once we have solved

00:12:18these problems raka will have a plenty

00:12:21of computation power with the printed

00:12:23training data set then you can easily

00:12:26apply neural network so deep learning to

00:12:28your existing problems if you a game

00:12:30programmer you may want to apply the

00:12:32deep learnings to analyzing gear you are

00:12:35your game log server logs to check

00:12:38whether a player could be an cheatin

00:12:40player or spammer office weather or if

00:12:43you web designer or web systems engineer

00:12:49for the ad system then you may want to

00:12:51apply the logs for the as conversion or

00:12:55quick-quick flow rate our logs to neural

00:12:58network so that you can get you can have

00:13:00computers to learn from the year as log

00:13:03to get more optimization but you have to

00:13:08have computation power and training data

00:13:11so that’s the reason why we have started

00:13:14using Google cloud to train in large

00:13:17scale neural network Google cloud has

00:13:21racket and

00:13:23hundreds of thousand machines in our

00:13:26data centers in global and we have been

00:13:28building those computers at the data

00:13:31center as a computer not just a bunch of

00:13:33the computers Switzer building we design

00:13:36each Craster which holds like a ten or

00:13:39twenty thousand servers working as a

00:13:42single computer with a multiple our CPUs

00:13:46so that’s the reason why we can it’s

00:13:50it’s not so hard for us to deploy try to

00:13:53scale neural networks or odds can be

00:13:54created Processing’s to our google cloud

00:13:57if there are two basic very fundamental

00:14:02technologies inside google’s that

00:14:03supports the data center the computer

00:14:05one is the network we have been building

00:14:08our own hardware support for the network

00:14:12switch fabric that is called jupiter

00:14:15networks so we union we are not using

00:14:19the commercial network switches for most

00:14:22cases such as the Cisco or juniper

00:14:24routers those are not mainstream of our

00:14:29new our network backbones we we have

00:14:33been building our own hardware that can

00:14:35hold like a hundred thousand pots of 10

00:14:39Gigabit Ethernet ports that can eat at

00:14:43one point to pet a bit per second per

00:14:45our datacenter so that is the networks

00:14:48we have at Google and also contain a

00:14:51technology called Borg bo is our

00:14:53proprietary container technologies we

00:14:56have been using over 10 years for for

00:14:58deploying or almost all Google services

00:15:00such as Google search or Gmail or Google


00:15:03bulk containers account hold up to

00:15:0710,000 or 20,000 physical servers in a

00:15:10single cluster so that you can do the

00:15:13large scale job scheduling right the

00:15:15scheduling the CPU cycles or memory

00:15:17spaces or disk i/os with that scale so

00:15:21that reason why you can deploy your

00:15:23single applications like did the neural

00:15:28network training or the big data

00:15:30processing into maybe hundreds or

00:15:32thousands of machines with a single land

00:15:35of default command

00:15:37and Google brain is the project where we

00:15:42have started applying the Google cloud

00:15:44technology 2d to build a large-scale

00:15:47neural networks this project has started

00:15:49in 2011 and right now the Google brain

00:15:54has been used for the many many

00:15:55production project in Google and fast

00:15:58the scalability of Google Google brain

00:16:00project for example rankbrain rankbrain

00:16:03is our GU algorithms we are using for

00:16:05the ranking of Google search service

00:16:07right now since last year that has been

00:16:11using Google Google brain infrastructure

00:16:14and with five hundred nodes and that can

00:16:19perform at three hundred times faster

00:16:22than single node so that means if you

00:16:26are training your deep learning model

00:16:29with single servers then you would take

00:16:32300 times longer than Google engineers

00:16:36and inception is the model for the

00:16:40visual visual recognition we can use 50

00:16:43GPUs to accelerate the performance at 40

00:16:47times faster so that reason those are

00:16:50the reason why Google has been so strong

00:16:52on applying deep running for the

00:16:54production project such as the alphago

00:16:58Frady we have the series of the core

00:17:02matches with the core professional they

00:17:05have been using the Google brain

00:17:06infrastructure for the training as well

00:17:09as the prediction of the Google match

00:17:12Google search has been using deep with

00:17:14the brain of since last year and we have

00:17:17been using the machine learning

00:17:19technologies for the optimizing the data

00:17:21center operation and also or she our

00:17:24natural language processing and visual

00:17:26recognition of speech recognition such

00:17:28as the Google photos what he voiced the

00:17:30conventions of the androids we have over

00:17:3360 production projects that has been

00:17:36using Google brain and deep learnings

00:17:38for last a couple of years now we have

00:17:44started to externalizing this power of

00:17:47Google brain to external developers

00:17:51the first product is called crowd vision

00:17:54API and the second product is called

00:17:57crowd speech API crowd vision API is an

00:18:02image analysis IPA that provides the

00:18:05pre-trained model so you don’t have to

00:18:08train your own neural network and you

00:18:11also don’t have to have the any skill

00:18:13set for the machine learning so it’s

00:18:16just on REST API you can just upload

00:18:18your photo image to API then you repeat

00:18:22receiving JSON result in a few seconds

00:18:24there has the the analysis result and

00:18:27it’s free to start trying out up to

00:18:301,000 images per month and it’s general

00:18:34generally available right now so it’s

00:18:36ready to be used for the production

00:18:37project it has six different features to

00:18:42be detected labial detections means that

00:18:45you can put any labels or categories on

00:18:47any images you uploaded for example if

00:18:51you uploading the cat images then the

00:18:53API will be returning the Arabians such

00:18:56as a cat or pet face detections can

00:19:01detect the location of face in the image

00:19:03OCR I can convert the text on image to a

00:19:07string explicit content detection means

00:19:10that you can check whether the images

00:19:13can contain the images contain the the

00:19:16adult or violent images on our landmark

00:19:19detection can detect the location of the

00:19:21images or popular places and you can

00:19:23also detect the product or corporate

00:19:26role let’s take a look at the


00:19:35so I’d like to show a demonstration by

00:19:38video at first this is the

00:19:41demonstrations by using the Raspberry Pi

00:19:43robot that sends the image to division

00:19:47API cloud vision provides powerful image

00:19:53analytics capabilities as easy to use

00:19:55api’s it enables application developers

00:19:59to build the next generation of

00:20:00application that can see and understand

00:20:03the content within the images the

00:20:05service is built on powerful computer

00:20:07vision models that power several to firm

00:20:10Google services the service enables

00:20:13developers to detect a broad set of

00:20:15entities within an image from everyday

00:20:17objects to faces in product logos the

00:20:20service is so easy to use as one example

00:20:23of the use cases you can have any

00:20:26Raspberry Pi robot like gulp I go

00:20:28calling the cloud vision API directly so

00:20:32the broad can sum the images taken by

00:20:33its camera to the cloud and can get the

00:20:36analysis results in real time it detects

00:20:39faces in the image along with the

00:20:41associated emotions the cloud vision API

00:20:43is also able to detect entities within

00:20:46the image now let’s see how facial

00:20:49detection works cloud vision detect

00:20:52spaces on the picture and returns the

00:20:53positions of eyes nose and mouth so you

00:20:57can program the bot to follow the face

00:21:04it also detects emotions such as joy

00:21:07anger surprise and sorrow so the bottom

00:21:11moved toward smiling faces or avoid

00:21:13anger or surprise face one of the very

00:21:17interesting features of cloud vision API

00:21:19is the entity detection that means it

00:21:22detects any objects you like you see

00:21:42cloud visitors likes developers to take

00:21:45advantage of Google’s latest machine

00:21:47learning technologies quite easily

00:21:48please go to slash

00:21:51vision to learn more and I have another

00:21:58interesting demonstrations that is made

00:22:01by using the vision API that if this is

00:22:05called vision Explorer demonstrations

00:22:08where we have imported 80,000 images

00:22:11downloaded from Wikimedia Commons and

00:22:14uploaded to the Google Cloud storage and

00:22:17applied the vision API analysis so here

00:22:21we have the cluster of the images it is

00:22:2480 thousand images and each cluster has

00:22:28the labels such as snow or transport

00:22:32residential area means that the the

00:22:36cluster of the similar images for

00:22:38example if you take a look at here let’s

00:22:40go to a plant so each single dot

00:22:44represents your thumbnail of the

00:22:47uploaded images so if you go to the


00:22:50Craster there must be some cluster of

00:22:54the oh it’s oh it’s not showing why let

00:23:01me redraw this maybe because I’m using


00:23:09okay let’s go directly to the cat

00:23:11cluster so in this cluster we have many

00:23:20many cats and closer to the cat cora’s

00:23:22we have the crust for dogs let’s go back

00:23:27to the cat cluster and if you click to

00:23:31image thumbnail image and you’ll be

00:23:34seeing the analysis result from the API

00:23:37right this the API thinks this must be a

00:23:40mimic of cat and it’s a cat as a pet or

00:23:45it must it must be a British Shorthair

00:23:47so this is these some things you can do

00:23:50with the deep learning technology and

00:23:52those results are returned in a JSON

00:23:55format erectus and with statistical

00:23:57stretches we can show it in a GUI if

00:24:03image contains any text inside it then

00:24:05we can come back convert it into the

00:24:07extreme example with this you can have

00:24:13the string like these three Kangaroos

00:24:15crossing next to you images if images

00:24:19contains faces also this API doesn’t

00:24:23support any personal identification or

00:24:26the personal recognition but it can

00:24:29detect the location of the faces with

00:24:32landmark locations such as nose and

00:24:35mouth and also it can recognize the

00:24:39emotions such as joy sorrow and anger

00:24:42and surprising in this confidence level

00:24:47and if your picture contains any popular

00:24:53places such as this dinner API can

00:24:57return the name of the landmark the API

00:25:01thinks it must be an image of the Citi

00:25:03Field Stadium in New York City with the

00:25:06longitude and latitude so you can easily

00:25:10in a put a marker on the Google Maps

00:25:12it’s too slow so I’m cutting it off also

00:25:15you can detect the product and corporate


00:25:21like this Android so this was the this

00:25:30vision API so it’s ready to be used for

00:25:33any applications and another API is

00:25:37called speech API which also provides

00:25:40the pre-trained model for the voice

00:25:42recognition so you don’t have to have

00:25:44any skill set or experiments with the

00:25:47voice recognition or training neural

00:25:49networks for doing doing that it’s just

00:25:51on REST API and G RPC API so you can

00:25:55just upload your audio data to the API

00:25:58and you’ll be receiving a result in the

00:26:00few seconds it supports over 80

00:26:02languages and dialects it supports both

00:26:05real-time recognition and battery

00:26:07recognition the API is still in limited

00:26:10preview so if you go to the speech speech then you have to

00:26:16sign up with the form for immediate

00:26:19limited preview access but we hope to

00:26:22make it public better maybe in a couple

00:26:25of weeks I suppose let’s show some

00:26:30demonstration I’m not sure if this works

00:26:35in the event or not because this is the

00:26:38first time to try this and and I have

00:26:41some accent problems so I’m not sure I

00:26:43really not sure if this works or not but

00:26:45best right hello this is a testing of I

00:26:51think it’s not working

00:26:55maybe the gathering is getting so slow

00:27:01hello this is a test of voice

00:27:03recognition bar by Google Cloud machine

00:27:06learning oh yeah

00:27:11so final result is you know not bad

00:27:15right and you also saw the fast response

00:27:19so you could get the recognition result

00:27:22in recent one second district Iraq a 0.5

00:27:25seconds in real time so those are the

00:27:32api’s and but those api’s here are

00:27:37pre-trained model so that means you

00:27:41cannot train your own model with those

00:27:43aps and well one would if we country

00:27:46asked questions for those api is that

00:27:49whether the google will be you know

00:27:52looking at the uploaded images or the

00:27:54audio data to train your own model or

00:27:57doing some more research and as know

00:27:59those api saudi all of our products are

00:28:03provided by the Google cloud platform is

00:28:08is under the terms and conditions of DCP

00:28:12that has here some sections for the

00:28:16customer customer data we don’t look at

00:28:18the customer data except for the very

00:28:21special cases for the troubleshooting or

00:28:22emergency situation so basically we

00:28:26don’t look at the gyro data uploaded to

00:28:28the cloud but at the same time so you

00:28:30can so the APS cannot train cannot do

00:28:34the trainings for your data or your

00:28:35applications so that’s the reason why we

00:28:39provide the other options for machine

00:28:41learning with a stencil or cloud machine

00:28:44learning the other d-dick frameworks and

00:28:46platforms that can used for train your

00:28:49own data set train your own machine

00:28:52learning and neural network what is 10

00:28:55so for tensile Pro is an open-source

00:28:57driver of your machine intelligence we

00:28:59have published the libraries last

00:29:02November and this is the the

00:29:05actual framework we are right now using

00:29:09us via Google research of Google brain

00:29:11team so it’s not something’s

00:29:13outdated or stay out since the latest

00:29:16machine learning framework we are using

00:29:18are right now at Google for example if

00:29:22you want to design this

00:29:24restaurant work swag DW Express Pico why

00:29:28you can use Python to write it in a

00:29:31single line of code Roxas you can put

00:29:34the image of cat here this vector and

00:29:38then you would have an output vector

00:29:40that represents the labels of the

00:29:43detected objects like a cat or human

00:29:45face and you can let computers to find

00:29:48the obits and biases so it’s so simple

00:29:53and also it’s really simple to train

00:29:57your networks because you can just write

00:30:00this single line to have your networks

00:30:04trained for your training data set by

00:30:08using by specifying the algorithm

00:30:10Stryker gradient is set you don’t have

00:30:13to implement your own the procedural

00:30:17code or called – implementing the each

00:30:20the optimization logic actually I’m not

00:30:23good at math or those machine learning

00:30:25algorithms but still I can just copy and

00:30:28paste the sample code to my laptop and

00:30:30I’m praying with my own data sets missed

00:30:34and so forth so you can just let the

00:30:37chancel for runtimes to do the

00:30:38optimization and also the tool provides

00:30:44you a very good visualization tool so

00:30:46one of the problems we had at Google for

00:30:50applying the neural networks to the

00:30:52production production problem is the

00:30:55debugging so if you have many more

00:30:58hidden layers inside the neural networks

00:31:00you have to check the all these stages

00:31:03of the parameters whether the parameters

00:31:06are converging in a right direction or

00:31:10the parameters could be you know going

00:31:13away and having a wrong number such as a

00:31:16na or 0 elsewhere so it’s really

00:31:21important to visualize what’s happening

00:31:23inside in your networks and tensorflow

00:31:25provides the tool and also the

00:31:29portability is another important aspect

00:31:32of the framework so once you have

00:31:34defined your neural networks with

00:31:38Python code of tensorflow then you can

00:31:41start running you and you ready to work

00:31:42training or prediction with your laptop

00:31:45like a Mac or Windows Raptor but you

00:31:48will find that your laptop is too slow

00:31:52to trying the trendy deep neural

00:31:56networks so maybe you may soon want to

00:31:59buy some GPU class and instead of maybe

00:32:052 or 3 GB because in a single box but

00:32:08still usually it takes like a few few

00:32:12days usually a few days or maybe some

00:32:16people spending a few weeks to to do the

00:32:19trainings on their neural networks so it

00:32:22takes so much computation time so in

00:32:25that case you can applaud your tensor

00:32:27flow graph to Google cloud so that you

00:32:30can utilize the power of the tents or

00:32:32maybe hundreds of GPU instances we have

00:32:35we’re running at Google cloud and also

00:32:39once you have finished your training

00:32:41then the size of the parameter sets

00:32:44could be fit into our hundreds of

00:32:46megabytes or tens of megabytes then you

00:32:48can easily copy that parameter sets into

00:32:51the smaller devices mobile devices or

00:32:54IOT devices such as Android iOS or maybe

00:32:58Raspberry Pi so that you know you can

00:33:01have those devices doing the prediction

00:33:04like image recognition or voice

00:33:06retention without using any internet


00:33:09everything could be implemented within

00:33:13the framework of tensorflow and with the

00:33:18at the last Google i/o it was about 1

00:33:22months ago we have announced a new

00:33:24technology called tensor processing unit

00:33:26this is a replacement not a replacement

00:33:29maybe a complementary technology for the

00:33:32GPU and CPU so so far or maybe right now

00:33:37the any deep neural networks researchers

00:33:40or developers outside Google is using

00:33:43GPUs mostly for training the neural

00:33:45networks because it’s a matrix

00:33:47operations and by using GPUs you can

00:33:50accelerate the matrix office

00:33:52ten times or maybe 40 times faster so

00:33:55that’s what typical neural networks

00:33:59users are doing right now but the

00:34:02devices problem for GPU is the power

00:34:05consumption each consumers record 100

00:34:08watts or 200 watts per GPU card and we

00:34:13are having we were using thousands of

00:34:16them in a Google Data Center and power

00:34:18Concepcion is becoming the Rogers

00:34:20problem so by by designing the Asics or

00:34:25the editorship specifically for the

00:34:28tensor flow or deep neural networks we

00:34:31were able to reduce the power

00:34:33consumption and gain the ten times

00:34:36better for our performance – powerful

00:34:42performance for what result and we also

00:34:46use the special techniques such as the

00:34:49bit quantization rather than using a

00:34:5132-bit or 16-bit to calculate everything

00:34:54every matrix operations we use the

00:34:57quantization strike a quantized into the

00:34:598-bit where there’s not so not so much

00:35:05loss of the accuracy so that you can fit

00:35:09much bigger parameters into a very small

00:35:12memory footprint and we have been using

00:35:16GTP’s for many production projects

00:35:19already run greying alphago and google

00:35:23photos speech recognitions these are all

00:35:26has been using tepees since a couple

00:35:29months actually we have been using GPS

00:35:31for less than one year and the if you

00:35:38want to yeah we have been I haven’t

00:35:41discussed describing about the power of

00:35:43the Google brain such as number of the

00:35:45CPUs GPUs and TP is and if you want to

00:35:49utilize the power of Google brand

00:35:51infrastructure here’s the product we

00:35:53provide which is called cloud machine


00:35:56crud machine learning is a fully managed

00:35:59distributed training environment for

00:36:01your tester for graph so once you have


00:36:05wrote your tensor flow graph and run run

00:36:08it on the laptop then you can upload the

00:36:11same types of rock for graph to Google

00:36:13Cloud messing learning so that you can

00:36:15specify the number of the GPS you want

00:36:17to use with the service suggested you

00:36:19such as 20 nodes or 50 notes to do the

00:36:23acceleration only training when a crowd

00:36:26Mao is in the limited preview so you

00:36:28have to sign up to start trying out but

00:36:31maybe I we suppose that the for

00:36:33availability record public better will

00:36:37be sometimes later in this year if you

00:36:41go to the YouTube then you can take a

00:36:43look at the actual demonstration of

00:36:45kratom a budget of teens where they have

00:36:47where he has presented demonstrated the

00:36:51actual chance of grotessa fraud based

00:36:53neural networks that takes 8 hours with

00:36:56single node but if you upload the same

00:36:58tensor flow graph to the crowd email

00:37:00then you can accelerate the performance

00:37:04to up to 15 times faster that means you

00:37:07could get the result of the trainings

00:37:10within 30 minutes rather than waiting

00:37:13for the 8 hours that is the speed we are

00:37:16seeing inside Google for any deep

00:37:18learning deployment and we externalizing

00:37:21the dispo to to you guys to have you

00:37:25utilizing the power for 40 you are for

00:37:29solving your own problems and also

00:37:31claudemir can be used for the production

00:37:32as well not only for the training and

00:37:34indeed mo solutions he presented at he

00:37:37demonstrated that the crowd email could

00:37:39be used for the body predictions at 300

00:37:43meters per second so those are the the

00:37:49topics I have covered and now we have

00:37:53two different products one is the Amero

00:37:55api’s like a vision API or speech API

00:37:58where you can just upload your own data

00:38:00to cloud so that you will be getting the

00:38:02results in a few seconds and if you want

00:38:06to train your own neural networks

00:38:09then you can use a try using the

00:38:13intensive roll or crud machine learning

00:38:15so that you can accelerate training

00:38:17you’re on or you’re on your network so

00:38:22if you take a look at the links on the

00:38:25resources of this lesson that you can

00:38:27start trying out those products right

00:38:30now thank you so much yeah I got two

00:38:41questions Trulia

00:38:44first of all few steps back on the

00:38:46machine learning and neural networks


00:38:49you talked about more hidden layers to

00:38:51more complex algorithm yeah but Sturm

00:38:54x-fighters they’re like we were told in

00:38:57University to use yeah you’re feeling to

00:39:03see how many layers you have any tips on

00:39:06that or yeah yeah that’s actually a

00:39:09really good question

00:39:10so maybe question is is there any good

00:39:14practice on designing the Union neural

00:39:16networks right so as far as I know

00:39:18there’s no one theory to optimize your

00:39:23design of neural networks so everybody

00:39:26even in the fifth at Google you know

00:39:28when I asked the Google research team

00:39:30and people would say you know let’s

00:39:31start with the five 5 children

00:39:34let’s see how it works all right so

00:39:35strata and that’s the largest challenge

00:39:37we have right now for deploying the

00:39:40neural networks for your own data or

00:39:42applications so you have to do it in

00:39:44many many trials just right the the

00:39:48people in the pharmaceutical companies

00:39:50trying to create a new drug so you have

00:39:53to have a different combination of

00:39:55obably hyperparameters hyper parameters

00:39:57means the parameters such as the number

00:39:59of hidden layers or the or new ones or

00:40:02the way you can import the data or

00:40:05extracting features so you have to try

00:40:08out every different combinations that’s

00:40:10the problem

00:40:10and also it takes much much computation

00:40:12power yeah I think that’s what all do

00:40:15yeah it’s not a theory behind it and a

00:40:18little bit later in the presentation but

00:40:20use cases will be supported in the near


00:40:24we’re going from post training to

00:40:25runtime can network we and B be exported

00:40:31in order to use a better processing for

00:40:34example what is second question cannon

00:40:39can the network we can be be exported in

00:40:42order to reuse in embedded processing

00:40:44for example by exporting okay yeah

00:40:47before the first question which is the

00:40:49the online training I think it’s on the

00:40:52world map or maybe your do list of the

00:40:56nucleus but it’s currently it’s not

00:40:58supported but it’s possible that we’ll

00:41:00be supporting the online training where

00:41:02your neural networks will be gradually

00:41:05joined by the online data and second

00:41:09question is exporting yes you can export

00:41:12the trained parameter sets so that you

00:41:14can use the parameter assists to your

00:41:18une use cases such as the importing the

00:41:21parameters into the IOT devices or maybe

00:41:23you can even copy that data sets into

00:41:26different cloud record AWS to learn your

00:41:29predictions on database ok those

00:41:33questions are cut do anyone else has any

00:41:36questions no and thank you very much

00:41:44thank you so much