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Protoype: Airsoft Grenade “The Hornets Nest”

00:00:00hey guys it’s Greek gadget guru here’s a

00:00:03prototype for an airsoft grenade

00:00:06basically I’ve already come up with the

00:00:09design I drew it out I know it’s not the

00:00:11best artwork but I try to explain to you

00:00:14how I’m gonna try and get this to work

00:00:15so you’re gonna have your co2 cartridge

00:00:17that’s gonna sit right here in the

00:00:21center of your grenade and the housing

00:00:24for this is basically just gonna be some

00:00:28PVC couplers connected to 2-inch PVC and

00:00:34some other adapters and these aren’t

00:00:36final yet but this is just something

00:00:38else that I was working on and this is a

00:00:43aluminum stainless steel nut that fits

00:00:47perfectly on threaded co2 cartridges so

00:00:51that’s just another way another option

00:00:53for anchoring down the co2 cartridge so

00:00:56what I’m gonna do I’m gonna have a

00:01:01little steel rod right up here and

00:01:04that’s going to be connected to a spring

00:01:07right here and when you pull that this

00:01:13rod up there’s gonna be a pointed end

00:01:15and when you release it it’s going to

00:01:16come down hopefully with enough force to

00:01:18break the seal on the co2 cartridge when

00:01:21the co2 cartridge goes off its gonna

00:01:23send out a big rush of co2 and it’s

00:01:27gonna fill up this chamber at the bottom

00:01:29you’re gonna have all whole bunch of

00:01:32airsoft BB’s that are going to be forced

00:01:35out of these barrels which is made out

00:01:38of the same material as your as the the

00:01:42cz-75 pistol that I made and these are

00:01:45gonna be going all around the actual

00:01:48grenade itself and you can customize

00:01:51which direction you want them shooting

00:01:52option when I’m shooting straight out do

00:01:54you want all three directions whatever

00:01:57basically you’re just going to get a

00:01:59drill about the same size as this drill

00:02:02it some hot glue it in and then there’s

00:02:05your barrel now the other option is to

00:02:10make it into a

00:02:12airsoft claymore and the way that would

00:02:15work you’d have this as your pin this

00:02:20like my fingers would be like a holding

00:02:23mechanism for the pin and then you’re

00:02:26gonna tie this to a string and then the

00:02:28string to a branch or a tree or

00:02:32something so when someone walks by this

00:02:34is gonna be pulled out this is going to

00:02:36come down and the whole same principle

00:02:38is gonna happen that that’s gonna be

00:02:41with the same throwable grenade

00:02:43now the throwable grenade it’s gonna be

00:02:47a little more difficult to come up with

00:02:49an idea of how to get this pin to fire

00:02:52off when it actually reaches the target

00:02:54and it’s gonna be awesome if this works

00:02:57because I mean you could just throw this

00:02:59into someone’s bunker and then just let

00:03:00it do its work because it’s like a

00:03:03hornet’s nest I’m calling it the Hornet

00:03:04grenade and you just throw it in there

00:03:07and it would just keep shooting airsoft

00:03:09BB’s until this runs out or until you’re

00:03:12not I am oh I think it’ll be really cool

00:03:15but might be a game-changer so I have a

00:03:19confession mate

00:03:20I don’t play airsoft and I don’t smoke

00:03:23so I have no purpose for lighters and I

00:03:25have no purpose for making these airsoft

00:03:27guns I don’t know why I make them maybe

00:03:30I was deprived as a child I don’t know

00:03:33my mom never let me play with nerf guns

00:03:35and that’s why every time she asked me

00:03:37like why do you make this stuff I’m like

00:03:39cuz you deprived me she was always she’s

00:03:41a nurse and she was always afraid that

00:03:43like I was gonna shoot my eye out you

00:03:45know cuz that stupid Christmas story

00:03:48movie so she thought I was gonna shoot

00:03:50my eye with a nerf Nerf dart so she’s

00:03:52like you’re not allowed to play with

00:03:53those guns there’s probably other

00:03:55reasons too like she thought it would

00:03:56lead to violence but obviously it worked

00:03:59the opposite way with me because I’m

00:04:00building weapons and doing all this

00:04:02crazy crap anyway I hope you guys like

00:04:07this idea if it’s something you want me

00:04:09to wait to do until another time that’s

00:04:12cool just leave a comment send me a

00:04:14message if you have any like real advice

00:04:16on how I can make this better I know

00:04:19that they already sell grenades but

00:04:21they’re like a hundred dollars a hundred

00:04:23bucks for

00:04:24grenade I know they’re refillable but

00:04:26like I just don’t see how that’s worth

00:04:29it especially when it’s so much more

00:04:31badass when you make something and just

00:04:33bring it to the game cuz no one else is

00:04:35gonna have that like you could have the

00:04:36rich kid on the block with all the

00:04:37airsoft grenades but if you come up with

00:04:39like something cool like this there’s no

00:04:41way you know it’s awesome so hopefully

00:04:46this is gonna work let me know what you

00:04:48want to see next if you want me to

00:04:49finish other prototypes this is gonna

00:04:52take the prototype of my airsoft mortar

00:04:54because that would be painful to get hit

00:04:56in the face with an airsoft more with

00:04:58this in it it would be like a bullet and

00:05:00not be really painful so trying to make

00:05:03things a tiny bit safer I know you’re

00:05:05you know coming from the guy who makes

00:05:07ballistic nice and flamethrowers

00:05:09how safe can you get but I’m trying here

00:05:12so thanks for watching thanks for all my

00:05:15subs who have stuck with me you’ve been

00:05:18patient I’m gonna try and post little

00:05:21videos like lighters or gadget reviews

00:05:23and stuff I’m just doing my best in the

00:05:26school so I’m hanging in there so I hope

00:05:29you guys will hang in there for me

00:05:30thanks for watching and thanks again to

00:05:34all my fans