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Hybrid Jet/Natural Flame Lighter

00:00:00hey it’s Greek a guru here with another

00:00:03lighter for my collection this is a dual

00:00:05flame type lighter I got it off eBay for

00:00:09round $10 with Free Shipping and it’s

00:00:12from the Jobin lighter company this is a

00:00:16really neat lighter because like I said

00:00:18it’s a dual flame type not just the dual

00:00:22flame so I’ll just show you the

00:00:24aesthetics of it you have a really nice

00:00:27polished chrome finish with an A on it

00:00:31kind of has like an antique look to it

00:00:34not crazy about that it’s an a I guess

00:00:38it’s like Ace or I’d really don’t know

00:00:41but it would be so much better if that

00:00:44wasn’t there if it was just like on the

00:00:46side this polish chrome I think would

00:00:48look really nice anyway on the bottom

00:00:52you have nice flame adjustment nozzle

00:00:55for your fuel also can be refueled right

00:00:58there and it’s the same design on both

00:01:02sides and the way it works you open it

00:01:10and when you release you have your

00:01:14regular natural flame now the way it

00:01:18works is right here you can I focus in a

00:01:24little bit you see that little tear duct

00:01:28a little duct right there that’s the gas

00:01:30system is releasing right now so that’s

00:01:32when you as soon as you open it so what

00:01:35you have to do is flick it and then

00:01:40there’s your jet flame and as you can

00:01:43see it’s wind proof it has like a

00:01:45filament lighting in the center that’s

00:01:48keeping it nice and heated and then

00:01:52there’s your regular flame I think it’s

00:01:55pretty neat and unique so I picked one

00:01:57up so let me know what you guys think

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