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DIY Razor Blade “Ninja Star” Shuriken

00:00:00what’s up it’s great gadget guru with

00:00:02another office supply weapon this is the

00:00:05transparency sheet ninja star these can

00:00:08be somewhat dangerous if you hit someone

00:00:10in the eyes so please be careful if

00:00:11you’re throwing this at anyone as a game

00:00:14or just be careful you don’t want to

00:00:16harm anyone basically all you have to do

00:00:18is use these transparency sheets and

00:00:21sell these at office supply stores the

00:00:23thicker the better so you don’t really

00:00:26want to get too flimsy one but any one

00:00:30will work and I’ll post a link in the

00:00:33description to a website or video on how

00:00:36to make these there’s so many on the

00:00:38internet that it would just bore someone

00:00:40if I actually went step by step on how

00:00:42to make this so I’m saving you guys the

00:00:45boredom and just trying to entertain you

00:00:47as much as possible so basically little

00:00:50modifications you can do to make these

00:00:52last longer whenever you are creasing

00:00:56the transparency sheet use a pen keep a

00:00:59nice crisp clean crease and I will make

00:01:03like a thousand times difference they’ll

00:01:06fly straighter and when you’re putting

00:01:08it together you won’t have as much

00:01:09difficulty the penetration of the edge

00:01:14on cardboard or whatever will be a lot

00:01:16better I’ve thrown these they don’t

00:01:20stick into the cardboard per se but they

00:01:23will penetrate cause a little dent here

00:01:27I’ve already done some damage I swear I

00:01:31didn’t just poke it with a pen actually

00:01:33was from this I guess I’ll show you

00:01:43it’s kind of hard to tell words actually

00:01:45shooting but bullseye that’s actually

00:01:59the first time that’s ever happened but

00:02:02like I said I guess you could consider

00:02:05this somewhat harmful um I don’t know if

00:02:10it could break the skin but I wouldn’t

00:02:13want to get hit in the eye with one of

00:02:14these so just be careful don’t bring

00:02:18them to school don’t bring them to work

00:02:21I don’t know

00:02:22guess you’re an adult if you have a job

00:02:24like that but just be careful with these

00:02:28and one tip I would say is heat them up

00:02:31with a hairdryer or a heat gun what that

00:02:35does is makes all the layers stick

00:02:37together into one piece and also when

00:02:41you heat it up if you flatten it with a

00:02:43book on a flat surface it will fly a lot

00:02:47straighter and when you’re throwing it

00:02:49you want to rotate your wrist so that’s

00:02:52just one thing now if for some reason

00:02:57you feel compelled to copy my idea I am

00:03:00NOT responsible

00:03:03you can add razor blades to it this is

00:03:07pretty intimidating and very deadly

00:03:10these razor blades are razor-sharp

00:03:14obviously all you do is take these

00:03:18utilities and just fits in perfectly

00:03:24like a glove it’s kind of scary how

00:03:26perfect it is but just like that in

00:03:30these little pockets here you can see so

00:03:35what I do make sure each pocket is as

00:03:41large as you would need it to be using a

00:03:43screwdriver or whatever you have and

00:03:47make sure that each edge fits exactly

00:03:51the way you want it

00:03:54and then using pliers now I’m not using

00:03:57pliers now because I’ve already made the

00:03:59pocket and it’s easy to remove there’s

00:04:01no difficulty whatsoever but when you

00:04:04first put it in it might be little stiff

00:04:05it might be difficult to remove it just

00:04:11be careful you’re dealing with razor

00:04:13blades you do not want to slip and cut

00:04:16your finger this will rip your fingers

00:04:18to shreds so place it in but first you

00:04:23might want to put a little bit of hot

00:04:24glue so that whenever you’re throwing

00:04:27this the razor blades don’t fly

00:04:28everywhere and place it in and let it

00:04:33set now if for some reason the hot glue

00:04:36hardens before you have it where you

00:04:39want and it gets stuck in an awkward

00:04:40position then you can just heat the

00:04:43razor blade up with a lighter and that

00:04:46will reheat the hot glue and then you

00:04:48can just move it so here’s again you can

00:04:53tell this has a lot it’s a lot thicker

00:04:56with the other one and that’s because I

00:05:01use a different type of transparency

00:05:03sheet so I’d look for the thicker brand

00:05:08if there is advertisement I don’t even

00:05:11know just I know that these were two

00:05:14different ones so you get you can tell

00:05:16that’s why this one’s a little bit

00:05:17thicker and you can tell that I didn’t

00:05:20take take my time on this one as much

00:05:22but it’s pretty solid

00:05:26nice be careful don’t hurt anyone don’t

00:05:30throw this at anyone’s face or anybody

00:05:32any living thing just use this you know

00:05:35if our target practice if you want to

00:05:37throw it in a cardboard box we just

00:05:39think it’s fun just please please be

00:05:41careful and when you’re building it like

00:05:43I said use a pair of pliers here use

00:05:47another pair of pliers here when you’re

00:05:48pushing them in be very very careful

00:05:51that’s all I can say so let me know what

00:05:54you guys think leave a link in the

00:05:56description and that’s basically it so

00:06:01thanks for watching