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OSHO: Your Morality Is Not Real


00:00:02Osho International Foundation offers

00:00:04Osho: Akhlaqatk is not real

00:00:12The third question:

00:00:14All religions based on God.

00:00:18Akhlaqathm, wills, their prayers,

00:00:23Kdsathm – Everything points toward God,

00:00:28And you say that God is dead.

00:00:30Then what will happen to all those great things

00:00:33Which rely on the theory of God?

00:00:39All those things that are based on the theory of God

00:00:45It is false.

00:00:51The hypocrites create all those things.

00:00:54Akhlaqatk is not real:

00:00:59It imposed from fear, or greed.

00:01:06The real moral arise only in the consciousness of the meditator.

00:01:14It’s not something

00:01:18Imported from abroad,

00:01:21It’s something that arises in your being in particular.

00:01:25He spontaneously.

00:01:28When the moral be spontaneous, it is joy,

00:01:33It’s simply share your love and pity.

00:01:39But all the qualities that are dependent on God

00:01:43It will disappear with the disappearance of God.

00:01:48Copyright © Aoshualaalmih Foundation, Switzerland Osho OSHO ™ mark registered trademarks of the Foundation Osho World

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