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OSHO: My Way Of Life is Not A Philosophy


00:00:04OSHO International Foundation presents



00:00:20“I have no biography. And whatever is thought about biography is utterly meaningless.

00:00:24On what date I was born, in what country I was born, does not matter.

00:00:26What matters is what I am here and now. “Osho

00:00:35I’m not


00:00:47the philosopher

00:00:51thinks about things.

00:00:59It is a

00:01:03cerebral approach.

00:01:14My approach

00:01:17an approach without thinking.

00:01:24It is correct

00:01:28the opposite

00:01:31of philosophizing.

00:01:37It is not to think about

00:01:41things, ideas,

00:01:49but look

00:01:57with a clarity

00:02:00that comes when you put your mind aside.

00:02:09When you look through silence,

00:02:13not through logic.

00:02:22Seeing is not thinking.

00:02:30The sun is rising:

00:02:37if you think about it

00:02:39do you miss it,

00:02:43because when you think about it,

00:02:50go away from there.

00:02:55Thinking you can wander for miles,

00:03:03thoughts go faster

00:03:09then what mogenklijk.

00:03:20If you see the sun rise

00:03:25you need one thing for sure,

00:03:28that you do not think.

00:03:34Only then can you see.

00:03:37Thinking clouding your vision.

00:03:45It gives

00:03:49his own color,

00:03:53his own idea

00:03:58of reality.

00:04:01It is not that the truth reaches you,

00:04:05it imposes itself on reality;

00:04:15it is a afweiking of reality.

00:04:19Hence, no philosopher has ever been able to know the truth.

00:04:28all philosophers

00:04:32have reflected on the truth.

00:04:42But think about the truth

00:04:46is an impossibility.

00:04:50Whether you know it,

00:04:52or not.

00:04:56As you know, there is no need to have to think about it.

00:05:01If not,

00:05:02how can you then think about it?

00:05:09A philosopher who thinks about the truth

00:05:12like a blind man thinking about light.

00:05:18If you have eyes,

00:05:21Do not think about light,

00:05:24you see it.


00:05:35is a totally different process;

00:05:41it is a byproduct of meditation.

00:05:51That’s why I do not like to

00:05:56my life

00:06:00ever appointed as a philosophy,

00:06:07because it has nothing to do with philosophy.

00:06:13You can call it ‘filosia. “

00:06:21The word “filo”: signifies love;

00:06:27“Theosophy” means wisdom,

00:06:35knowledge –

00:06:38love of knowledge.

00:06:44In filosia means ‘filo’ same- love,

00:06:49and ‘sia’ stands for see:

00:06:54not for knowledge

00:06:57but for his –

00:07:01not wisdom, but experienced.

00:07:08For more information, visit:

00:07:16Part of “Music From the World of OSHO ‘Kopiëerrecht © Osho International Foundation, Switzerland. OSHO ® is a registered trademark.

00:07:24Source: From Ignorance after innocence # 2 ‘Kopiëerrecht © Osho International Foundation, Switzerland. OSHO ® is a registered trademark.