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Learn English – Using ‘During’ & ‘While’

00:00:02today we’re talking about the

00:00:04differences between during and while and

00:00:07many students make mistakes with this

00:00:09because the meaning is the same but we

00:00:13use them in a different way both of them

00:00:16mean in the middle of another action but

00:00:20we use them in a different way for

00:00:22example with during we must have a noun

00:00:25so for example imagine you go to the

00:00:28cinema with a friend and in the movie

00:00:31your friend is me me me me me me me me

00:00:33me me me me and you just want to get

00:00:35through after the movie you can say oh

00:00:39you wouldn’t stop talking during during

00:00:46the movie

00:00:47so with during me and now the movie so

00:00:52if we look at it this way here we have

00:00:59the movie and during the movie

00:01:08your friend was talking so that’s what

00:01:15you’ll say to your annoying friend you

00:01:18won’t say you wouldn’t stop talking

00:01:20why or the movie no with while we need a

00:01:25verb um it can be continuous it can be

00:01:29simple but we’ll talk about that later

00:01:31for example imagine your own bed and you

00:01:38would say while I was reading while I

00:01:44was reading I heard a noise you’ll

00:01:48notice it while I was reading past

00:01:52continuous I heard a noise her simple so

00:01:58we want to say here’s me I’m wearing my

00:02:06I’m in bed

00:02:13while I was reading bang I simple I

00:02:18heard a noise now of course I don’t

00:02:25necessarily need the subject I can

00:02:29remove it it could say while reading I

00:02:32heard a noise but we don’t really say

00:02:35that so much these days so that’s that

00:02:39way now it doesn’t have to be past

00:02:42continuous it can be past simple for

00:02:50example imagine whoever you live with

00:03:03whoever you’re living with they’re

00:03:06having a fight they’re arguing but you

00:03:14you’re not involved you’re just sitting

00:03:16there eating popcorn so he could say the

00:03:21next day for example he could say while

00:03:30they my housemates while they were


00:03:44I watched or you could say they were

00:03:57arguing while I watched on the timeline

00:04:09this is them arguing and while they were

00:04:16arguing in the middle I was watching or

00:04:21I watched let’s use past simple because

00:04:24why not

