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1 steak, 2 sauces – Jamie’s American Road Trip

00:00:24Ramiro Jaime hey Damon this place is

00:00:32beautiful it’s like a little paradise

00:00:35like we see a mix or garden I never

00:00:38would have thought it would look like

00:00:39this yeah you won’t be saying that later

00:00:43after I’ve had a loaded shakeela yeah

00:00:47you know what I think now we got a drink

00:00:49we’re gonna welcome him Jalisco style

00:00:52nice with a hairy toe and tequila salud

00:01:05yeah do you have a liquidizer

00:01:14can you bring the canister yeah so what

00:01:18I want to do brother

00:01:19is let’s do some cooking okay so olive

00:01:24oil into a pan I’ve got onions going in

00:01:28we want to get them sweet and then we’re

00:01:30going to do a mix of peanuts a really

00:01:35good handful and if you’ve got small

00:01:38hands a couple sesame seeds go in

00:01:41handful and I’m gonna keep looking after

00:01:44it right now look at this meat right

00:01:47it’s a nice opportunity to talk about a

00:01:50cooking steak because frankly most of

00:01:53the world don’t know how to cook steaks

00:01:55and I’m not talking about foodies I’m

00:01:57talking about the most amount of people

00:01:59think you might like fresh oregano

00:02:01beautiful and dried teaspoon of dried

00:02:07go into there

00:02:09the most that one of the biggest

00:02:11problems in cooking that people come up

00:02:13to me about is my steak it tastes

00:02:16horrible it’s tough you know an elements

00:02:19of that because they’re buying cheap

00:02:21rubbish meat and you know being a shot

00:02:23properly makes the difference but also

00:02:24it’s really about the cooking you know a

00:02:27lot of the time now I thought this is a

00:02:29this is a rib of beef right you got the

00:02:32bone there you know if you put that

00:02:35together and they were two more that’s

00:02:36your four rib of beef that you would

00:02:37roast for Sunday dinner right you can go

00:02:40into any butchers and they will do this

00:02:41for you if you look at it you’ve got

00:02:44that I meet here right see that lovely I

00:02:46mean that used to be your sirloin but

00:02:49it’s gone further up the animal and then

00:02:51this bit of meat here is like the cap

00:02:53all right and and it’s actually my

00:02:55favorite bit of meat in the whole of the

00:02:57beef actually it’s got a delicious


00:02:59the problem with cooking good steak in

00:03:02England is that because steak costs

00:03:05money and it’s expensive they’ve just

00:03:09got smaller over the years so you need a

00:03:11bit of girth you need a bit of thickness

00:03:12right so I would suggest getting you

00:03:15know twat go to a butcher’s and so don’t

00:03:17want an 8 ounce steak I want to I want a

00:03:1916 ounce steak right and what that gives

00:03:21you is thickness and thickness equal

00:03:24time and if you have that extra time in

00:03:26the pan you can create a killer killer

00:03:29crust well I’m a hero than ever the

00:03:32future I want to use a chili to give it

00:03:35flavor and heat without thinking I can

00:03:38give you two no more either

00:03:39okay two limits probably just one

00:03:41because it’s very spicy