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What are the Risks of Entrepreneurship? – Ask Evan

00:00:08hi I’m Evan Carmichael and welcome to

00:00:11another edition of ask Evan in today’s

00:00:13video I’m going to answer a question

00:00:15from one of our readers Nicolas who says

00:00:17thanks a lot for the inspirational

00:00:19quotes just to ask one question what are

00:00:22the risks in small-scale

00:00:23entrepreneurship and how do we as

00:00:24entrepreneurs manage them for the

00:00:26purposes of our business sustainability

00:00:27good day Nicolas so Nicolas I think the

00:00:31biggest risks that entrepreneurs face

00:00:32when they’re launching their business is

00:00:34losing everything and a lot of

00:00:36entrepreneurs will sell out all their

00:00:38savings and take on additional debt and

00:00:41you know market to their home and their

00:00:43business doesn’t work out they’re really

00:00:45left without anything I have to start

00:00:47all over again so that’s a pretty huge

00:00:49risk and I want to make sure that you

00:00:50guys don’t have to face that and a few

00:00:54ideas to you that hopefully will help so

00:00:56the first is you don’t have to start

00:00:57your business on a full-time basis it’s

00:00:59start card time and what that does is

00:01:01give you money from your current job and

00:01:04allows you to build your business up

00:01:06over time and hopefully you’re in a job

00:01:07that you can learn some skills or meet

00:01:09some people that will eventually help

00:01:10your business grow as well and it’s

00:01:13important that you take steps every day

00:01:14to grow your business so it’s not just

00:01:17spending three months going crazy

00:01:19full-time and then you run out of money

00:01:20you have to go get a job you’ll do

00:01:23better and spending a little bit of time

00:01:24every day over a longer period of time

00:01:27so you let that moment and grow and

00:01:29allows your business to flourish the

00:01:31second thing I would encourage you to do

00:01:32is try to build around a customer a lot

00:01:35of entrepreneurs start with a great idea

00:01:37that think it’s gonna change the world

00:01:38and then they go out and try to sell it

00:01:40and nobody wants fire so try to start

00:01:43the other way around try to start by

00:01:44finding customers who have a problem and

00:01:47are willing to pay for a solution for it

00:01:49if you can find those people it’s the

00:01:51best way to build a business because you

00:01:52have money coming in right away and


00:01:55the risk of you run out of money having

00:01:57to close down your business so try as

00:01:59much as you can to find a paying

00:02:01customer to start the last thing that I

00:02:03would recommend is try not to spend

00:02:05money until you’re making money and that

00:02:08might sound like common sense but a lot

00:02:10of entrepreneurs do the exact opposite

00:02:12where they start a business and invest

00:02:13tons of money now go get an office you

00:02:15might need a car for the business you

00:02:17make up all these expenses that you

00:02:18think you need but in reality try not to

00:02:21spend anything until you have money

00:02:23coming in you may need business cards

00:02:26and a simple simple website but that’s

00:02:28it the rest is what equity is your time

00:02:31going now trying to find business and

00:02:33try not to start spending money because

00:02:35you’ll often spend it on the wrong

00:02:36things until you have money coming in

00:02:39and once you have that money coming in

00:02:40you know what’s working and you can

00:02:41spend money to amplify those results so

00:02:43I hope that helps if you guys like the

00:02:46video please give it a thumbs up below

00:02:47and I’ll make more

00:02:48and I’d also love to hear thoughts and

00:02:50feedback if you want to leave a comment

00:02:51and stay tuned for the next episode
