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Sales Techniques – How I Sell

00:00:07hi I’m Evan Carmichael and in today’s

00:00:10video I wanted to answer questions from

00:00:12what I read there sanchita who is a

00:00:14salesperson for a london-based

00:00:16technology company and is having a hard

00:00:18time doing cold calling and getting

00:00:21through to the decision maker either

00:00:23always gets the voicemail or gets the

00:00:26gatekeeper receptionist and is wondering

00:00:28what my advice would be so to be honest

00:00:31I don’t have a lot of success or

00:00:33experience with cold calling I’ve always

00:00:36found that to be a successful

00:00:37entrepreneur you need to figure out what

00:00:39you’re really good at and what you’re

00:00:40not so good at and I found out pretty

00:00:42early on that cold Colin was not one of

00:00:44my strengths but to help you out I

00:00:46thought I would share some of my

00:00:47experience and how I’ve successfully

00:00:48done sales and hopefully you can learn

00:00:50from that so I’ve always found that I

00:00:53have a much greater chance of being able

00:00:55to sell somebody when they already know

00:00:57a little bit about me and they’re

00:00:59calling me or emailing me and finding a

00:01:01way to contact me about what I have to

00:01:02offer and I’ve done that through three

00:01:05separate ways and all of them are free

00:01:07or pretty low cost which is magic words

00:01:10for an entrepreneur the first is through

00:01:12SEO or search engine optimization so

00:01:15that’s where you great content on your

00:01:16website that is tailored towards your

00:01:19target audience they type in keywords

00:01:20into a search engine and they come up

00:01:23and find your site and I always found

00:01:25this a great way to be able to get new

00:01:27prospects find out about my website and

00:01:30calling me it’s great because they have

00:01:32a specific problem they’re doing

00:01:33research they’re trying to find a

00:01:35solution your website comes up and so

00:01:37they’re they’re gonna contact you and

00:01:39there they have a good chance of one

00:01:40good buy from you where I kind of the

00:01:42full calling it’s really hit or miss and

00:01:44it’s a big numbers game so I’d rather

00:01:46have my website do the selling for me so

00:01:49you just have to figure out what are the

00:01:51keywords that need to rank for and how

00:01:53can you create useful content around

00:01:55that that

00:01:56driving in traffic for you if you have

00:01:58questions a lot a whole new video just

00:02:00on that series the second way that I

00:02:02found really useful to bring in new

00:02:04customers is to form partnerships so

00:02:07find out who else your target customers

00:02:09are buying from and see if there’s a way

00:02:11you can pair up with them

00:02:12hopefully they’re not your competition

00:02:14but people who have maybe complementary

00:02:16products or services to what you offer

00:02:18and you should sprit easy to get in

00:02:20touch with partners and see if is a way

00:02:22to form some kind of relationship so you

00:02:24want to make it win-win where you’re

00:02:25hopefully talking about them when

00:02:27they’re talking about you and it could

00:02:28be a great way to be able to get in

00:02:30touch with new potential prospects and

00:02:32when they’re introduced to you through a

00:02:33trusted partner again it’s a lot easier

00:02:35to make that sale compared to just

00:02:38calling somebody that you don’t know the

00:02:40last way that I’ve had a lot of success

00:02:42with in terms of generating sales is to

00:02:45be an expert with the media so the media

00:02:48are always looking for experts to talk

00:02:49about industry trends and comment on

00:02:52stories that are happening and when I

00:02:54first got started I would create a new

00:02:57press release every week I made my own

00:02:59list of reporters who I wanted to target

00:03:01and would send them information every

00:03:03week to show that I’m an expert on

00:03:05entrepreneurship and you want to give

00:03:07them really value I story ideas not just

00:03:10a press release about how great you are

00:03:12but talking about something that’s

00:03:13happening a trend and give your own

00:03:15insights to it I also more recently use

00:03:19a service called PR leads that reporters

00:03:21submit their stories to and you can

00:03:23become an expert and offer your advice

00:03:25and gotten into New York Times and

00:03:27Forbes and Wall Street Journal and when

00:03:30people see that the read those

00:03:31publications they then find your website

00:03:34or find your phone number and get in

00:03:36touch with you and are more

00:03:37– wanna buy fuel they’re curious to want

00:03:39more information so I I’ve had good

00:03:42success with those tactics if I’m doing

00:03:44SEO or if I’m doing partnerships or if

00:03:46I’m doing media I haven’t had a lot of

00:03:48like the cold falling : can work just

00:03:51hasn’t been really successful for me so

00:03:53I encourage you to try to find out what

00:03:54your strengths and weaknesses are and

00:03:56adopt your strategies around that it’ll

00:03:59be a lot more successful I hope you

00:04:01enjoyed the video of that answered some

00:04:02of your questions if you like the video

00:04:04please give it a thumbs up

00:04:05I’d also love to hear thoughts and

00:04:07feedback if you want to leave a comment

00:04:08below the video and stay tuned for next

