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Now Closed – 10,000 Fans! Fire Piston Giveaway!


00:00:07in a previous video I made a fire piston

00:00:10out of some scrap acrylic and a

00:00:12lawnmower handle this little tool can be

00:00:13used to start a fire by squishing air

00:00:15and since it’s completely see-through

00:00:17you can witness the ignition firsthand

00:00:19whether you use it as a tool for making

00:00:21a survival fire or to explore the

00:00:23science of heating through adiabatic

00:00:24compression it’s always gratifying to

00:00:26get a spark and make a plan I called it

00:00:28a slam rod firestarter which apparently

00:00:30has been added into Wikipedia that kind

00:00:33of blows my mind I’ve had a lot of

00:00:34requests from people who would like to

00:00:35have one but don’t really know where

00:00:37they can find any acrylic to make it so

00:00:39in appreciation of 10,000 subscribers

00:00:41I’m going to give this one away

00:00:43over 10,000 of you have shown your

00:00:44support by subscribing

00:00:46sharing my videos and leaving a really

00:00:48great comments for a chance to win all

00:00:50you have to do is follow these three

00:00:51simple steps first of all you need to be

00:00:53a subscriber to my youtube channel there

00:00:55are many ways to subscribe but if you’re

00:00:57having trouble check for a link in the

00:00:58description many of you are already

00:01:00subscribers and that really means a lot

00:01:01to me so thank you next check out the

00:01:03video on how I made this fire piston by

00:01:05clicking the link in the description and

00:01:07this last part is important leave a

00:01:09comment telling me what size drill bit I

00:01:10use to make the hole for my tinder claw

00:01:12the answer is in the video I’ll be

00:01:14picking a winner by taking the total

00:01:16number of comments on this contest page

00:01:18and using an online random number

00:01:19generator to pick a number there’s no

00:01:21limit to how many comments you can leave

00:01:23so feel free to increase your chances of

00:01:25winning by leaving more than one the

00:01:26winner will be notified and posted in

00:01:28the description of this video on October

00:01:3015 thanks for watching thanks for your

00:01:32support and best of luck
